Titaneer: The Story of His Coming and the Women He Met

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    National Novel Writing Month (http://www.nanowrimo.org/) is here!

    And so I've done something I've tried and failed to do on more than a few occasions, which is write my own full length FMG/BE novel.

    Here's the first part, and I hope you like it. The movie Tina and Molly are watching is Leviathan's amazing short Chaos: http://0-the-leviathan-0.deviantart.com/art/Chaos-Short-65385059 (It is VERY NSFW and has sound effects galore and loud rock and opera.)

    I know I didn't render the movie justice but it was in my head so much as I started writing that I felt like I had to begin with it. Here it go!


    Prologue: Tina & Molly

    The computer screen lit upon the faces of two young women, college students in their room, as they watched the movie unfold on the computer screen with the speakers turned down.

    They had an apartment off campus, but they watched with bated breath, afraid that others might overhear the movie they both wanted to play so loudly.

    They watched a canister fall down the stairs in the movie on the computer, hitting the cell door behind which an elderly French woman, pretty in her white curls, contemplated her end.

    The gas hissed.

    The woman stood up in the dank cell; youth returned to her limbs. The flush of blood cleared the age from her cheeks and the-

    The woman moaned in shock; her breasts were growing! She cupped them, felt them fill her hands. Through them she felt her blood racing, skin stretching. What was happening to her!

    The room shrank. No, the French woman was growing bigger, but not in her old proportions; her thighs thickened below her plumping butt, calves expanding, hardening, and her legs that felt less like the lithe ballerina legs she had danced on as a youth and more akin to that of a horse’s… bear’s… giant’s… never a woman’s!

    As her legs thickened in hard muscle, the veins popping and expanding in racing webs so quickly the woman could not believe. So too did her belly and arms. Dumbstruck, she could only watch in growing horror as mountains of hard muscle and flesh rose up around her and in front of her, gaining enough cleavage to make the trashiest whores stammer with envy. But her arms! Her belly! It wasn’t a belly anymore. Just an ever expanding center that bulged ever outward not with fat but with unyielding muscle, not stopping and yet never outracing the thrust of her breasts.

    The woman, her face lost amidst the boulders of her shoulders and breasts, looked down her arms and flexed her hands; those were her hands at the ends of long, long arms ever thickening with more muscle than she had ever seen on anyone, man or woman—


    The woman’s head hit the ceiling and sent her down on all fours. What had remained of her breeding was being lapped up in the transformation that, far from painful, was pleasurable beyond imagining. She reared back, feeling her spine continue to stretch as her hard belly bulged and beat with her hot blood.

    Where had the woman of breeding gone, where now a caricature had emerged and could feel the edges of her prison caging her in? They might have held the woman of breeding… but… she knew as her arms and legs (svelte once, nevermore) swelled, that her prison was not made to contain a being… like… this!

    Her titanic body spasmed; the door of her prison shot out from the force and smacked the opposing wall. By now, the Frenchwoman’s mind who had contemplated death and the arts for so long, who had scribbled poetry on stone walls, could focus only on her overflowing body whose muscles did not stop their growing although room there was not.

    The gas hissed from the canister still, and dimly the woman (was she one still?) could hear faint gasps and gutturals erupt from the cells around her. Soon, she would not be alone…

    “Wow,” Molly said. Tina looked up and saw that Molly’s face was almost pressing against the computer screen.

    “That. Was. Amazing.”

    Tina pressed her hands against her mouth and agreed with an “Um-hm”. Her hand was shaking. Just the chills from what she saw and nothing else.

    The air conditioner’s hum filled the space that had been overwhelmed with the Frenchwoman’s moans just seconds before. Finally, Molly drew back, smoothed the locks of blonde hair from her eyes, and smiled at her friend. “Good study break. Damn good.”

    “How’s your paper coming along?” Tina asked. Molly shrugged.

    “It’s coming. Theoretical, all of it… just wish… just wish…” Molly looked at the computer screen longingly. She shook her head. “If they knew why I’m really interested in nanomachines and biochemistry, if they…”

    “It’s okay. I don’t think it’s stupid.” Tina pat her friend’s arm. Molly held up her arm, rolled back her sleeve, and flexed.

    Not much of a bicep was found. Molly and Tina watched it and saw only the smooth pink of Molly’s arm.

    “I wonder…” Molly said, “what it would be like. What it would feel. To see your humerous,” she tapped her upper arm, “just stretch, lengthen, and then watch as the bicep does the same, and you see a peak forming where none was before, and underneath you see a tricep doing the same thing in the opposite direction. To say nothing of the deltoids, the lats, glutes…” Molly twirled around, looking like a dog that had lost its tail. She realized what she was doing and stopped.

    “I, um, better finish that report. And put some more coffee on.”

    “Okey dokey! I should probably go finish reading my Freud.”

    “Heh, what would he make of the two of us?”

    “He’d think we wanted penises.”

    The girls laughed. Molly left Tina to the darkness of her room, the hum of the air conditioning, and the glow of her computer. Molly looked at the final frame of the movie one last time, of another girl whose body was already stretching and filling out to impossible dimensions. The gas hissed. It was a good fantasy, and she did not want a penis.

    Tina turned off the monitor, turned on the lights, and started to read Freud on her bed in her Supergirl pajamas.


    Nice intro, thanks. Hopefully Leviathan will be able to continue his movie sometime, allowing your story to continue (though feel free to carry on regardless!).


    I've done NaNoWriMo a couple of times, and I know how damned hard it is! So good luck unto you, sir.


    Thanks, guys! I'm falling a little bit behind on the Nanowrimo schedule, but it's still pretty fun so far. Needs more FMG though. Hope to remedy that in tomorrow's writing session.

    While I loved Leviathan's animated movie, I'm going to do my own take on the FMG genre. There will hopefully be love, loss, and FMG. It's been fun so far. I'm nowhere near as good as some folks who I've read on here; good FMG requires masterful description, which my writing has never been strong on.

    Still, on thinking on Leviatha's movie, that's not to say that the gas can't make a reappearance at the climax  ;D.

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