Titaneer’s crazy little sequence of Jessica Biel and Natalie Portman – NSFW

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    I know a lot of the amaz0n regulars also frequent DA, but I figured I should post this anyway. I think I was possessed last Saturday and spent most of the day working on this sequence and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. My apologies for not being a Simple Sam and posting the pictures themselves; I'm on the clock and only have time for linking ;).

    So, here are the links for my crazy little sequence. There's a story of sorts that I typed up that's in my artist's comments. You'll now know why I don't write FMG stories; I'm nowhere near as good at describing the process as some other chaps on here. Enjoy!


    I still find it funny that my favorite picture in the set is probably the one with the least amount of pageviews, probably because it has no FMG in it.


    Yup – crazy, but somehow totally awesome at the same time!


    Wow that's an awesome collection there, I think I'll post my thoughts on my favorite panel though!  😀


    Wow, thanks guys! And a special thanks to all of the lurkers who went and had a good look; I know you visited only because the view counts on everything jumped up by at least a hundred. Yowza!

    My favorite panel, even though it has competition from the ones with big Jessica and Natalie, is the one with Natalie Portman standing in the pool shivering and anticipating the change. I just really like her look. The uncontrollability of FMG is an aspect I've always liked and I liked Ms. Portman's reaction.

    But, since I made the darn thing, my personal opinion isn't as cool. Let's just say that that panel is the one I'm most proud of, even more than the ones with the girls being massive.




    I don't know what you were worrying about. Personally, I thought that it was very well done, both the pictures and the story, though I could have used more descriptions of the growth, but then that's just me.  😉


    My favorite panel, even though it has competition from the ones with big Jessica and Natalie, is the one with Natalie Portman standing in the pool shivering and anticipating the change. I just really like her look. The uncontrollability of FMG is an aspect I've always liked and I liked Ms. Portman's reaction.

    From a purely artistic standpoint, I have to agree with you- your depiction of Ms. Portman's anticipation is palpable even without the text.  Of course, from a fanboy perspective, I really have to favor Ms. Biel's transformation- just because I really like Jessica Biel… ;D


    Thanks tons! I was happy to post it. Yeah, everyone likes Jessica Biel… probably why she won my 'next FMG/BE' celeb model poll over Natalie Portman. Although Ms. Portman tied, so not all is lost. Also, Jessica Biel has always struck me as a tomboy, so she'd probably revel in getting so gigantic whilst Natalie Portman might balk at the prospect. But she is smart and brainy, and brawns and brains are always a delightful mix.

    Either way, I'm glad you all liked it  :D.


    I like the little story you wrote to go along with it, and the final quiet moment is viewerlicious. 🙂 The thought of Natalie balking at the change, but finding herself liking it, is irresistible. Thank the deities that Jessica was there to pull her in. 😉


    these are really good. natalie's face are recognizable! Natalie is one of my favorites… THANKS

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