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  • #81072

    I'm watching you on DeviantArt, but just wanted to let you know here that I love your stuff.  You've really been posting a lot of new artwork and it's appreciated. 🙂


    I'm watching you on DeviantArt, but just wanted to let you know here that I love your stuff.  You've really been posting a lot of new artwork and it's appreciated. 🙂

    Thanks, I really do appreciate the comments.  I've got lots of stuff still to come.  A lot of the older stuff isn't female muscle-related, but that's fine because most of the work I'm doing presently is.  So I should be able to keep a regular stream of femuscle work along with the sketch sheets, furry drawings, and comic pages, of which there should be a few more uploaded this month.  Every time I dig through a pile of artwork I turn up a few dozen pieces that I'd like to scan and upload.  It should be a busy year for me in terms of uploading content.  200 deviations by year's end is possible. O.O


    One new addition that might be of interest to the regulars here:

    This piece is definitely well before my first exposure to female muscle artwork, and shows how much of an influence my photo references were (I used muscle/fitness mags, instead of nudie/swimwear mags).  While her musculature is not exaggerated, she is clearly well-muscled.  And I can assure you that none of the people that I was drawing for cared to see a muscular female physique.  As long as she had enormous boobs, they were happy.  Me, I figured that she'd need some muscle in order to carry around a pair of 50 pound bags…



    This is a drawing I've posted here before, except that the one I posted here was BW, and this one is in color.


    And the beat goes on…

    Same as above, an image I'd posted here as B/W, now in color on dA.


    Continuing the theme of coloring art that I'd previously posted here as lineart:


    Great stuff, mate. I have visited your DA gallery. your girls are very pretty.
    I hope to see more of your girls.

    You are comic book artist?


    Thanks Martin!

    I did some comic book work in the early/mid 90s (small press and independent comics), but an opportunity to start a career in computers opened up and I took that instead.  I'd like to do comic work again, and am wondering if it's better to try and get published in traditional formats or just post the work on dA.

    For now I am developing my dA page and I have lots and lots of stuff to scan and color! 🙂

    This is a new one:


    The latest.  I hope to have several new drawings (both BW and color) uploaded over the weekend, but we'll see how things shake out.

    This is the character I plan to enter in Hemisphere's Might of Maidens 2009 contest on dA.  I've got the outlines of a character bio already, and am wracking my brains for a name.  Eventually, one will come to me, that's how this stuff always works.


    Aaaaaand the finished picture with longer-than-normal text entry…

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