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  • #81102

    Glad you liked it!  ;D

    New stuff!  Well, sort of old stuff that I didn't get around to posting until now…


    So the other day I noticed I was creeping up on 3,000 page views.  Not a big number (I've seen some dA artists well into the millions) but a nice round number nonetheless.  And since people like to post "yay! xxxx views!" images sometimes, I thought 3,000 would make a nice milestone.

    Actually, I was more interested in doing my take on the old "here, try this microscopic outfit on" joke that most femuscle artists wind up doing at some point, and this was my twist on it.

    Sheila, of course, is an ideal assistant.  Very smart, very organized, detail-oriented, and knows her job inside and out so that I never have to explain things to her.  Except for times like this, when I toss her a curveball.  It's a good thing she's very patient and understanding, because she also happens to suffer from lycanthropy and she's proficient in several martial arts disciplines.  Which means that when she threatens to skin me alive, she's not using a figure of speech.

    ze fly

    Thanks again for all the great art!!

    I remember this one from your website!!  🙂


    I remember this one from your website!!  🙂

    Really?  I wasn't sure if I had ever posted it or not.  Heh…

    I'm pretty pumped because my new tablet is arriving tomorrow (or should, barring unforeseen circumstances!).  I've always been a bit cheap about tablets, mostly because I didn't use them enough to want to spend hundreds of dollars on one.  Now I've got reason to do it, and the Intuos4 medium seems a good balance of what I want at a price that doesn't make me feel light-headed.  So I decided to snap some photos of the room where I keep my drawing table and my computer setup (and my TV and movies– if I had a mini-fridge I could almost live in this room full time!).

    Yes, I'm a hardware nut.  Always have been.  >.<


    Wow, so neat! And you call yourself an artist! 😀


    Wow, so neat! And you call yourself an artist! 😀

    I moved all the crap out of the way for the photos. 😉

    An oldie but goodie…


    Another Maidens 09 submission:

    I have another one on tap, it may take a while to finish it as I'm still working on the sketches, but I think it'll be the best of the bunch so far.


    It may take some time before I have these finished, so I decided I'd put up some works-in-progress images.

    My next Maidens 2009 submission:

    I figure it's a sort of rite-of-passage for femuscle artists to draw certain characters (She-Hulk, Titania, Power-Girl, Wonder Woman, etc).  I plan to cover them all at some point, and this is the first of the lot.


    Also, because I am a pretentious bastard, I'm going to link to my current journal entry which has some thoughts and advice on how a piece of artwork can tell a story, and why this matters to an artist.

    I wasn't initially going to link it, because I figured it would seem pretentious.  Then I decided that if there's anything worse than a pretentious bastard, it's a pretentious bastard who doesn't embrace his, erm… bastardhood.  Or something like that.  So I decided to tap my inner Fett and link to it.  Seriously, though, I'd be interested in comments and thoughts and opinions, etc.

    ze fly

    A She-Hulk/Titania drawing:

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