Top 10 most impressive FBB

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  • #121580

    I think the list meant “important” not “impressive”. If your going for ten most IMPRESSIVE,
    I’d go (in order):

    1. Tina Lockwood (we’ll never see an fbb of her size in contest shape again. A female godzilla)
    2. Gina Davis (perfect combination of looks, size and muscularity)
    3. Lenda Murray (her proportions were legendary)
    4. Kim Chizevsky (probably the biggest Ms O of all time)
    5. Iris Kyle (’nuff said)
    6. Kay Baxter (first really big fbb of the early 80s)
    7. Cory Everson (first Ms O with some actual size)
    8. Juliette Bergman (the Frank Zane of female bodybuilding)
    9. Karla Nelsen (bigger even than Lockwood, just not as impressive an all-around package)
    10. Marja Lehtonen (huge splash when she first burst on the scene)

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