Trade with Rafael

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    Only came back because Rafael emailed me about asking to post the trade he did. Just seen what he has done with the trade I gave him and I can only say, like Rex said, he made it better.

    I told him I needed characters for Muscle Peak. I wrote that one of them could grow by simply taking of her glasses. It's because her glasses filter certain light that her mind reacts to and cause her body to change.

    He did better then I've expected and hoped he liked me trade. Sorry I couldn't color this, but perhaps someone else would like to? I'm not good with colors. If you ask about what colors she has, then I don't know. Still have an artist block.

    Well I'll go back to my vacation


    That is indeed a most excellent work!

    I's do thank you, dear Red, for the concept of the character and dear Rafael for it's visualiation.

    Red Silver: I's do hope that you will soon to be Returned to us.
    Even as a casual poster.

    I's wish you all the best, dear friend.
    Please, be well.



    this tag team is sooo good!!! 😀
    i like also the kid version


    Sweet. Thanks Red for the detailed commentary, it adds to the appreciation of the work.


    Like I told Kurth, It was fun to create it! Shes a mix of Trixie Tang and Mary Batson. 😛
    Let's hope someone steps forward and color this one.

    Thank you red_silver and thank you for the replies.  ;D


    I really, really, really like this character design. The lass is cute and her transformed self is way cool. I would love to see some kiddie anime use this concept, it could be a bit of a hulk satire, having her fight evil weirdos with nothing better to do than wreak havoc.


    Seems more like a Tootie than a Trixie, but that's my Op-Ed…but hey, any more AP-combo characters out there is a good thing for me!


    I really, really, really like this character design. The lass is cute and her transformed self is way cool. I would love to see some kiddie anime use this concept, it could be a bit of a hulk satire, having her fight evil weirdos with nothing better to do than wreak havoc.

    Thats a idea but I think red_silver already have defined plans for this character in his Muscle Peak. The only thing to do is wait and see. 😉

    Seems more like a Tootie than a Trixie, but that's my Op-Ed…but hey, any more AP-combo characters out there is a good thing for me!

    I understand what you meant but I just want to clarify: the characters ive mentioned above was examples of inspiration, not copying or anything.

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