Tutorials, webcomics and other silly stuff

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  • #52359

    Some really helpful info there, Jed-san and fasola-san!

    My little 2 cents to add for you, Red, would be to be less critical of your work. Strive to improve, sure, but not so much that it stops you from getting your work out. Bleedman and other professionals, they all started with crabby comics, not the masterpieces we see later. But as time goes by, you could see their style change, and become more refined. Comics is like a marathon, and I think endurance and discipline is just as crucial as the technical skills. So pick a day of the week where you will put up a page of comic, come rain or shine, and keep that up, and you will have won half the battle.

    Besides waiting for a friend to finish a logo, I just keep thinking I should post something decent, so I tend to hold back on art or even not even finish them ^^;


    Besides waiting for a friend to finish a logo, I just keep thinking I should post something decent, so I tend to hold back on art or even not even finish them ^^;

    *nods* Audiences can be intimidating like a pack of wolves – "If ya don't post something decent, we'll eat ya!!"

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