Twlight Series Women Super Strength?

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  • #108518

    You know, I think hating and making fun of Twilight has become one of those fashionable trends, which make you look cool. Like dissing the movie Titanic and it’s music, or dissing Barry Manilow or The Carpenters, when in a lot of cases you actually like them. It’s like a herd mentality.


    I have NEVER watch the movie or read the books and have NO intenations of doing either! Just asking the questions about women and superstrength in this series!


    I Know were just joking around. :cheer:
    I sat squirmming in my seat while my girl friends and the other girls were going OOOh & AAAHHHing over these asswipes guys! :pinch:
    come here sweeite-girl , I show you I’m all the woman you ever need! 👿 :whistle:


    You know, I think hating and making fun of Twilight has become one of those fashionable trends, which make you look cool. Like dissing the movie Titanic and it’s music, or dissing Barry Manilow or The Carpenters, when in a lot of cases you actually like them. It’s like a herd mentality.

    Although I find Titanic mediocre, Barry Manilow aint THAT bad, same case with The Carpenters.

    I just legitimately hate that excrement they call a book series. And the even larger turd they call films.


    OMG. Some of my friends love Titanic! I watched like five minutes and couldn’t stand it. Seem unfair I am judging it with out watching too much of it.


    You know, I think hating and making fun of Twilight has become one of those fashionable trends, which make you look cool. Like dissing the movie Titanic and it’s music, or dissing Barry Manilow or The Carpenters, when in a lot of cases you actually like them. It’s like a herd mentality.

    John Tesh or Yanni would be a better examples then The Carpenters, but that aside . . . 😉

    I disagree, the structurally nature of The Twilight series (books and movies) practically invites parody, even ridicule of the characters/materials. Conversely, I haven’t seen (unless I’ve somehow missed it) any expressed disdain for another youth focused series of stories, now into its first movie, The Hunger Games.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    OMG. Some of my friends love Titanic! I watched like five minutes and couldn’t stand it. Seem unfair I am judging it with out watching too much of it.

    Watching Titanic once is an experiance, any repeat viewings is masochism.

    Likewise with another James Cameron creation – Avatar.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Twilight Series (books):

    Liked the books, with the exception of the 4th one which could’ve been much better if it had more action and blood, and was not fan of the whole pregnancy plot.

    Aside from that, the books are good for what they are. They are NOT horror books. They’re teen romance novels. Being that I read easily over 1000 books, many of them horrible, I can safely say it does not come close to being on my shit list.

    Twilight series (movies):

    Mostly crap. The first one had some style to it. The others are so horribly made and so unimaginative cinematographically speaking, that it’s painful.

    Hunger Games (books)

    Liked them. Fun, emotional with a bittersweet ending. Didn’t watch the movie.

    PS: Absolutely loved the movie Titanic 😛

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