Ultimate She-Hulk To Finally Debut

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  • #80295

    She-Hulk only makes a brief appearance.  We'll all have to wait for #4 to see if it's worth the wait.

    So… it's out today, who is going to tell us whether it was worth waiting three years for?


    Sorry, thats what happens when you have multiple tabs open trying to post and read before you have to go to work, and of course once I saw the error the option to delete the post had already disappeared 😛

    It's all fett's fault.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Yeah, brief is the word… she's in… two panels? Not to spoil anything but the picture of her is the final page of the book. Still, at least we aren't going to wait three years for #4.

    Also. For a comic that was pretty much pushed with ZOMG, NOW THEY IS AGONNA FIGHT! There… wasn't a lot of fighting. The art is great and the fighting there was, was awesome… but yeah, for the Wolverine fanboys… not quite the awesome fight they were hoping for, I imagine.


    This is still the Ultimate Universe, right?  What are the odds the character is killed off in the sixth issue?


    Issue #3 will be reprinted with that panel of She-Hulk as the cover.

    Zespara Alathar

    Well, the fourth issue is finally out!  A very nice two-page TF of Betty turning into Shulkie.  That's right, Betty!

    You have to read it.

    Nuff said.



    Zespara!  You're supposed to tell people SPOILERS!!

    Delmo Walters Jr.

    I don't buy any of the Ultimate titles but I did flip through this one. Nothing really worth buying it for. Maybe the next issue.

    Zespara Alathar

    Zespara!  You're supposed to tell people SPOILERS!!

    I did… in the subject.  :-

    I suppose I should've placed several lines between a spoilers warning, then the spoiler.  My apologies.



    Yeah, this story is happening way too slowly. And what's up with the colorists? Betty's eyes keep changing color, even before she juices up. Are they blue or grey, what? And why is the snow all orange? That stuff is so reflective pale orange isn't enough.

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