variation in attraction?

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  • #71737

    Oh, and thanks Mimi for your sympathy about Unreal.  There were some goos people there (Vas being one), but also some idiots. ::)


    [font=times new roman]~Mimi[/size”>[/font]

    They're not as civil (unrestrained in their opinions, especially with those indeviduals that they disagree with) there as here on Amaz0ns, similar to how people acted in the AAWA news group yrs back.  It's why I keep a low profile while visiting there, prefering to lurk, less my outstretched hand comes back a bloody stump.  😉

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Frankly, I find Colette Guimond very pretty, despite having become largely androgynous from the neck down.

    As for me, I typically don't care for fitness women, however a few tend to seriously do it for me: Karen konyha, for one, Dorothy T. (before she got the baseba–I mean implants), Carmen Unger (who I discovered just before typing her name & this statement explaining that I only just discovered her :P), Monica Brant, Mandy Blank, to name a few.

    I tend toward the huge end of the spectrum, though there are quite a few lighter FBB's who by some virtue appeal strongly to me.  The bigger the better usually, and only a few are direct turn offs.  It tends to take serious masculinizing of the face to turn me away.  All I want is to be able to identify you as a woman across a room.

    Bo Inaka

    [font=times new roman][size=11pt][color=navy]Very interesting topic…

    I’ve never associated food, hunger pains, or illness to anything remotely sexual.  But then again, I’m not a man, so I can’t speak from that viewpoint. 

    I want to be sure I'm being clear here.  It is not that these things(food etc) are in and of themselves sexually important in any way, but it rather seems that the attraction I feel toward differently fit women seems to fluctuate in such a way that it correlates in the way that I said originally.  For myself, when I am feeling most confident and healthy, I find myself most attracted to so called normal looking ladies who might have a gym habit.  I recognize that in the way I've described it, I'm treating affection like a physical need on the level of food and shelter.  I have asked myself if in those moments of weakness or low self confidence I am not in some sense compensating for something, like I am searching for a caregiver when I feel I need someone a lot.  I am thinking this is a bit like the eyes-bigger-than-your-stomach phenomenon when really hungry.  So do I end up looking for Cindy Phillips or Jamie Eason?  Sometimes it depends on whether I'm hungry.  I can't explain it.  I'm just a simple caveman. I confuse me.



    I want to be sure I'm being clear here.  It is not that these things(food etc) are in and of themselves sexually important in any way, but it rather seems that the attraction I feel toward differently fit women seems to fluctuate in such a way that it correlates in the way that I said originally.  For myself, when I am feeling most confident and healthy, I find myself most attracted to so called normal looking ladies who might have a gym habit.  I recognize that in the way I've described it, I'm treating affection like a physical need on the level of food and shelter.  I have asked myself if in those moments of weakness or low self confidence I am not in some sense compensating for something, like I am searching for a caregiver when I feel I need someone a lot.  I am thinking this is a bit like the eyes-bigger-than-your-stomach phenomenon when really hungry. 

    The hunger thing doesn't affect me, but, as I said, the self-confidence is a factor.

    So do I end up looking for Cindy Phillips or Jamie Eason?  Sometimes it depends on whether I'm hungry.  I can't explain it.  I'm just a simple caveman. I confuse me.

    LOL! ;D

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