Views on Female Muscularity in Society

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    Cpt Matt, simply post the file at imageshack and you'll be able to link the photo from there.  There will be a special tag called "forums" or "message boards" and that will allow you to share the picture.


    Well, for just having muscular pinup models and 'fantasy' material, I really don't want ugly women, but as for the sport of female bodybuilding itself, I say let them look as big as possible.  The double standard of letting ugly men compete while penalizing ugly women (beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that) seems a bit unfair and unbalanced.  No reason to put one gender at one standard, and another gender at yet another, completely different standard.


    I know the one of which you speak, it was taken by Michael Neveaux of Ironman magazine.  It can be found on her website, along with several others of her.  8)


    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    I know the one of which you speak, it was taken by Michael Neveaux of Ironman magazine.  It can be found on her website, along with several others of her.  8)


    Wow – thanks Alex – CptMatt, you are absolutely right; that's a very hot picture and is a very good advert for FBBing the right way.

    I should also perhaps respond to MuskelGroethe by saying that I agree that, in normal life, people shouldn't order others to shape their bodies in any particular way.  Once someone submits themseves to judges at a contest, however, they must expect their physiques to be graded on the basis of certain criteria; therefore one is, effectively being told how it should be done.  If the individual competitor dosn't like the judging criteria, let them switch federations.  The same applies to men and women.  I would like to remind everyone that I did state in my previous post that I disliked the current male physique from an aesthetic standpoint just as much as the female from an aesthetic and/or sexual view.  I am not saying that grace and sculpting the ideal body for the indiividuals' own height and proportions should be the goal for women, whilst leaving the men alone to strive for hugeness only, I am advocating the "Greek Deity" ideal, to steal from CaptMatt, for both men and women. 

    I really do think that BBing, and especially FBBing, will polarise sooner rather than later.  In one direction will go federations, competitors and fans who go for the "biggest is best" philosophy.  They will always be in a minority as the resultant physiques will be aspirational for only a minuscule fraction of the population; probably even only a minority of those who are into the gym lifestyle.  In the opposite direction, I predict there will be a modest but significant growth in the direction of a more holistic approach, with symmetry, balance and shape as prorities and ultimate size as being less important.  Obviously, if two competitors' physiques are felt to be equally pleasing to the eye, and the routines show-off those physiques well, then the larger and/or better conditioned of the two should win, but aesthetics should, in this philosophical direction, be the main priority.

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