Warning Label Generator

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  • #18072

    A fellow blogger clued me in on this site:  http://www.warninglabelgenerator.com/

    Thought I'd give it a spin… here's a little something for the Grand Prize in Power Play Chapter 6, You Bet Your Life.

    Maybe you guys can think of Amazonian stuff to do with it?


    Nice find JD – I used something similar a long while back for my "Ah, the Power of Cheese" collage w/ a nude Gayle Moher bursting forth from an office building.  Combining the Radiation symbol with the Real Cheese symbol.   😎

    Them Kraft singles do pack a powerful punch . . .  😛

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    Silent One

    Very nice.  Went right in my bookmarks.  Thanks 🙂

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