Weedy Sarah Connor?

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  • #66119

    Now, that doesn't mean that femuscle is out of the picture, quite the contrary.  Once I have the funds to do my own productions and personal projects, I guarantee you that when I produce something and put it out for all to see it will contain a femuscular protagonist.  But for now, gotta keep it real and go with the flow.

    I look forward to the day. 8)


    Just read a paper, Since premiere night, the show lost 10 mil viewers. So yeah, I think its going to be canceled soon.


    It LOST viewers!?

    Bummer, I was really enjoying that show!  Damn that really sucks!


    Just read a paper, Since premiere night, the show lost 10 mil viewers. So yeah, I think its going to be canceled soon.

    What a pity [sarcasm off].


    Honto ni? 10 million viewers? I guess Episode 3 really was the dipping point.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Started with 18m, dropped to 10m, dropped to 8m… I suppose the initial drop is understandable… when it wasn't Arnie blowing things to hell for 45 minutes, they were bound to lose viewers. If this week sees them lose another 2m though… even odds on it lasting about as long as Firefly.

    The Saint

    I noticed Linda Hamilton's muscularity for the role, but that's not what made the character. What made the character was Hamilton's convincing portrayal of a haunted survivor, one whom you can't be certain, from moment to moment, hasn't been genuinely unhinged by what she's been through. I think that, if anything, is where Lena Headey will stand or fall in her portrayal.

    The pilot was great, but her delivery of someone standing on the edge of genuine delusion paranoia is nowhere near as powerful as Hamilton's was.


    I noticed Linda Hamilton's muscularity for the role, but that's not what made the character. What made the character was Hamilton's convincing portrayal of a haunted survivor, one whom you can't be certain, from moment to moment, hasn't been genuinely unhinged by what she's been through. I think that, if anything, is where Lena Headey will stand or fall in her portrayal.

    The pilot was great, but her delivery of someone standing on the edge of genuine delusion paranoia is nowhere near as powerful as Hamilton's was.

    One of the reviews that I read basically stated that she would be good as Connor without either the muscle or the acting, but, being without both she was unconvincing – much as you hav stated, top-notch acting can make us forgive physical shortcomings, but, when both are lacking, then it's a flop.  I can't see why they can't leave the character alone.  For almost everyone, Hamilton WAS Connor, so let her be for all time the image we think of. 8)


    From my own perspective, now having watched a few episodes, I've not been either impressed with the storylines (thus far) or that the characters (as presented) have a compelling enough aura to them to draw in the kind of audience in sufficient numbers to keep this ship afloat.

    This is both surprising and not at the same time, given the lackluster quality of the mediocre sci-fi currently running (i.e. Flash Gordon) as compared to programs that you would think could have (should have) done very well (i.e. Threshold or John Doe), but didn't.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

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