"What If…" Sonya took "The Serum"? (UPDATED w/ Page 7!)

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  • #21500

    Aw, man, that was very much worth the wait. It's taking all my energy to stop me from fainting. You are the King! Thank you! 😎

    Edit: hey, that was my two hundredth post! I can think of no better place to put it. 😀


    So impressive !! I've just began reading the end : to see Sonya so Huge was great, but the must was the last pic with Tet-chan growing again ! Really really amazing !  😮


    DCM, you rule, plain and simple!!!  😀


    Dave , this comic will be the standard by which all other female muscle growth comics are measured by! 😀 😀

    Silent One

    I've withheld comment until I could see the whole thing.


    The payoff was so worth the wait, tongue in cheek humor, poking fun at the fanboys and then a Tetsuko "money shot".  More than any of us had any reason to expect.  Thank you.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Hahaha, you fell prey to the sin of vanity Dave 😉

    But given your outstanding work, I think you're forgiven.

    Probably not by Sonya or Tet-chan though.

    Seriously though – that was a great piece of work, we fans salute you.

    Zespara Alathar

    Grreat finish, my friend.  In my mind's eye, I actually thought of an ending that was similar to what you came up with.  The only difference was that you animated yourself but I actually prefer that you did it with the combination of art and photography!  That certainly saved you a lot of time to draw our two favorite subjects.  😎

    Nice job and I hope to see you when I head down your way in mid-April.



    What else can be said, dear David, but another most excellent work.

    On a side note to this: I's did send the link for this work off to my's dear friend, Zeekman, and his wife, Tanya, and they are both completely enamoured with it -as both femuscle fans and as comic book junkies. They were also large fans of Dyna before you put that title on hiatus.
    Though, they did make an interesting suggestion for you and that is, as a way to justify this tangent stories, to create a character akin to Marvel Comics, The Watcher, from their What If. . . series of comic books. That is: a semi-omnipotent creature who can see across all Realms of Time and Space and link your tangent stories to your Central Universe, as well as allowing cross-overs and connections between your differing titles. Such as Satin Steele meets Tetsuko or Dyna verse Starburst (your other superhero character, apologies if the name is in correct).
    It may be a thing to consider.

    Also, on a different but similair vein: you do have a most wonderfully expresionate face, dear David. I's am most glad that you did choose to put yourself within your own work (once again). Though who was it that did take your photographs and did they understand what they were to be used for.
    Not important question but curious minds do wonder.

    And, again, thank you dearly for this latest work.
    The Pimp NeonBlack


    That has got to be one of, if not the, greatest peices of work that you have done yet! That was awesome!


    On the last pannel before pulling back into "the real world", I thought – now think what would happen if both of them took the syrum again – and by the end, you delivered!  EXQUISITE!  Thank you graciously for such a project!

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