What music should there be during FMG?

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    It really depends in the spirit of the main project I think. There are so many diferent ways of portraying FMG that I dont think we can posibbly find a "right" one for all of them. Besides that, the speed of the fmg is a major variable on picking the music. A slow sequence of days of fmg wouldnt use the same music as a one minute explosive one with the gal roaring like crazy. 😀
    Since I usually prefer fast growths I end up using short, action bound, highly ritmic music themes. Volume or tempo raising if posible.
    It all depends 😛



    Appropriately composed instrumentals, would be my preference.  8)

    Who can forget the dramatic themes from Star Wars, Stargate or Gladiator – as well as any number of classical scores composed by Erich Wolfgang Korngold.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Gotta back tha G on that one.

    I'd always preferred original soundtracks and maybe some symphonies composed by some DAWG:  Dead Ancient White Guy.


    Mmm I dunno fasola.
    I woulda said that some you chose there wouldn't fit.
    The earlier ones (although I like them) are a little too repetitive and heavy for the job.
    Ones like Asche zu Asche and Du Riechst So Gut are too fast.
    Sehnsucht, Engel and Du Hast are all a little too.. epic.. the songs themselves are very much about the music and the lyrics.

    I think the perfect songs would be Mein Teil, Stein um Stein, Zerstören, Mann Gegen Mann like you said, (possibly) Spring, and also maybe Benzin because of the crazy bits and that noise I love.
    I think their earlier stuff is wonderfull but their sound changed a lot, and the newer things seem to have that heavy, but still crazy kind of style.
    Their earlier things as I said may be too repetitive and heavy.. they seemed a lot about the 'ohshit it's loud' factor.
    The stuff from Sehnsucht and Mutter are my favourites overall but some of them seemed too Tanz-Metall and too fast for something like an FMG scene.

    ..Umm. I'll stop now because once I get talking about Rammstein it's hard to shut me up xD


    Meh, keep on talking SyberStyk. You can't fillibuster in forums, especially on a friendly topic like this  :D.

    I kept listening to Evanescence's Fallen CD and kept imagining more and more of their songs being put to FMG, including:

    Going Under
    Bring Me to Life (appropriate but everyone's heard it approximately one million two hundred and two thousand nine hundred fifty three times)
    Everybody's Fool
    Taking Over Me
    My Last Breath

    Call me crazy, but I kept finding their lyrics to be a little suggestive for a FMG scene, which I liked lol.

    I also was listening to the Xenosaga soundtrack the other day and thought "Battling KOS-MOS" would make a nice FMG song because it has that nice heavy hitting rhythmic quality some of our posters have mentioned, but I think it loops too much for it to be really effective.

    But for a quick short one that felt epic in nature, I think it would work.

    Also, SyberStyk, given the size we've seen some of your girls get up to, what's wrong with having some 'epic' metal in the background? Unless of course you were going for a totally different word  :D. I think they reach epic size in a good way.


    Because the songs themselves would take too much away from the scene I think.
    They're TOO epic, I guess.

    Silent One

    Something subtle, wouldn't want the music to disract from the changes in breathing and maybe layer a heartbeat into the track.  Possible work the music around the heartbeat and breathing thus keeping the focus even more upon the physical changes occuring.  And the clothes ripping sounds naturally.


    Easy: Live and Let Die by Paul McCartney or Whole lotta love by Led Zeppelin… IF! They are lyric less… That my friends is Growth Music Dynamite.

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Depending on the situation, I think a percussion/brass-heavy crescendo, swelling along with the muscles, would be a nice effect.


    As far as Rammstein goes, Engel. 😀 For a non-Rammstein song "you really got me" seems like it could fit. Trollhammaren by Finntroll could work as well (mainly the beginning part).

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