What the?… He is still alive?

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  • #27432

    Glad you're still drawing…please do more as you see fit because we all like it and wnat more ^^; loves Sammi (a.k.a Fellania)
    BTW; I like the pic reminds me of a Japanese Commercial XD


    Seems the flow of art from Otto, DCM and Gettar82 has made me want to post a little again.

    har har har! we continue so you also must continue! 😛 (diabolic laugh)

    This one is a test I'm doing, so it's nothing really big, except I've always wasned to do something like this.

    This can't be compared to the work DCM, Otto or Gettar82 is doing

    omg, you make me blush!! o°_____°o
    i'm not a jadi, i'm only a guy with a laser-sword 😛
    i'm happy because i've found most of my favorite artists on this board.. personaly i think that fett, dr.8 and dcm are the best

    Just as a side note, speedlines is a cheap excuse for not making background drawings ^^

    it's true, it's true!!
    i'm searching for backgrounds…i NEED backgrounds -______-''


    Looks good, Red. Almost like something out of a manga. <tilts head creepishly and smiles>


    You aren't competing with other artists, man, you're a league of your own.
    Your pic's always so dynamic and more often then not you do such GREAT inking @_@ nyaa.. A LOT of your stuff I've seen was a huge inspiration to me back in them early days 😀

    Haha, and not like I'm up for any comparing to anyone else tho these days xD; kinda why I haven't posted art here recently.. I'd rather post it here but I can't seem to tear myself away from others works people keep postin here.. but hell, it ain't a competition, and I don't wanna feel like it is 😛 so don't you either.


    Looking good.

    ze fly

    Really great. I can't make up my mind on wich one I prefer… 😐 wich shows that bacground aren't really necessary.  😉


    Yay for thick massive arms!!  😀 😀 😀

    Just because I'm not a person that from time to time posting post a message or art, doesn't mean I do a little art now and then.

    Make your words mine!  🙂


    *bows* Its great to see your work again Red. Missed you a helluba lot, and please, do keep up the great work. Welcome back man. 🙂

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