What would happen if GTS/FMG were found by the general public?

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    I got to thinking why aren't we a bigger group than what we are? Than the answer came the general public doesn't know about our, for a lack of a better word at the moment, fetish.

    Is this a good thing or bad? The general public knows about furries* (which I have no love for), so people found it, found that they liked it and joined them and know there are 10s of thousands of them and they have no end of material.

    It also applies to the adult babies, the more freaky cos player and so on. They have many more people that joined after they were made public knowledge leading to more material, and cons.

    But here comes the downside they are hunted and mocked for what they love. So here comes my question are we better off as is small and unknown gaining a new person as they happen to luck on one of our sites? or having the spot light put on us gaining lots of people but having to put up with the negitivity 'regular' people will throw at us?

    *Sorry I had to compare us to furries it was the best example I could think of.


    I've had the negativity of the unknowing public thrust upon me (via DA frontpage) and people tend to react in a predictable manner if something they are unfamiliar with as a fetish is thrust upon them.
    They can either say 'hey, that's cool, not my thing but you go for it' in a live-and-let-live sort of way..
    Or they will be 'you're sick, that's disgusting, what the fuck is wrong with you' etc.
    Though admittedly muscle (I don't do the GTS stuff) isn't a fetish for me, but rather an interest. I do have fetishes of other forms so I do know what it is to have one.

    I think anyone who doesn't have a particular 'fetish' can never understand what it's like, and the public eye has a tendency to fear what it doesn't understand rather than accept it.

    FMG and GTS are becoming more well known. More people are getting into it and it's becoming less and less of an underground 'fetish' at least from what I've seen.

    I suppose it depends on the individual as to whether it's good or bad. In the case of the spotlight, people can either sink off into the shadows about it or not. Some people feel a need to 'fight' for it to be 'okay', but I personally think that's the wrong approach. There's nothing wrong with you as a person for having a particular.. let's call it 'preference' in this case… and people just need to settle down.
    I think fighting fire with fire is certainly the wrong way to deal with those who can't seem to accept it, because that just spirals into worse and worse things.
    Being calm and collected, ignoring the people calling you a sick fuck, and just enjoying what you enjoy regardless of whether someone else thinks it's wrong makes more sense to me.

    I do think it's better that it were to stay out of the spotlight as you put it, but there's no guarantee that it won't. Perhaps just be prepared for if and when it happens.

    There's so many other kinks and fetishes out there and compared to some, FMG and GTS are pretty harmless after all. Humans are so vast and diverse that it's just ignorant to expect everyone to be the general public's ideal of 'normal' anyway.


    Well, as the theme song for the revelation, I think Its The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) by R.E.M. would a good choice.  😉  8)

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    Prophet Tenebrae

    The internet's prevalence has probably done wonders for awareness of FMG/GTS.

    I'm not sure if that'll change things much… one can only hope but fetishes are almost by their nature, not mainstream.


    Sorry that I'm a little late to this thread, but oh well.  I know what you are saying SyberStyk, some people are ruthless in their comments and intolerance for anyone else's 'thing'.  I would imagine it is simply because they are in the comfortable position that what turns them on does fall into the mainstream so they don't have to worry about being a little different.  As most people here know, it is a very uncomfortable position to have an interest such as this, be looking at it on the computer and have someone else walk in on you.  I've had it happen and it is not fun.  Luckily it hasn't turned out that bad, but very uncomfortable nonetheless.

    I don't believe that FMG will ever really 'catch on' in the mainstream.  The public in general is to close-minded and ignorant and happy that way to ever fully accept muscular women.  They tolerate them as freaks like they will on American Gladiators, but embrace them they will not.

    As far as GTS goes, that is much more likely for random growths to happen simply because the girl is still the same girl only larger in scale.  Look at movies like Attack of the 50 ft Woman, Dude, Where's My Car, and Pirates of the Carribean 3.  No one called those women freaks, they were just giant women.  So GTS is much more likely.  Widespread GTS or Mini-GTS I don't see happening because of the balance of power thought that makes people so uncomfortable so unfortunatly that one is a no as well.


    FMG will never catch onto the public, that's something that will always be a nichĂ© thing.  However, muscular women I think have a greater chance of being socially acceptable.  Maybe not HUGE massive ones but bodybuilders and figure competitors have a shot.  In order to keep the community alive if kids get exposed to it at a young age watching something on TV, chances are it'll make an impression and stick with them.  This current generation is starting to accept it a little bit more, but it's going to take a few generations more before muscular women will be socially accepted.

    But FMG?  Forget about that, that's not something mainstream will accept at all. 


    I don't know, I guess I would sliently freak :-  we all wear masks and that would be one I owuld have to wear tight to cover up my love for it when I would over hear people talking about 'those freaks'.

    magnus knight

    I don't know, I guess I would sliently freak  we all wear masks and that would be one I owuld have to wear tight to cover up my love for it when I would over hear people talking about 'those freaks'.

    You are not a freak, none of us are.  We are just people with a fetish that requires a bit more imagination then most.  it's more cerebral, takes more thought and creativity is all, and there is nothing wrong with that my dear. 

    There is a lot worse, a lot darker things in this world then what we enjoy. Besides, there are many men who if they did know about this, would probably like it.

    Be proud, be strong, and grow grow grow.


    Prophet Tenebrae

    To be honest, you're probably more of a freak if you don't have any sexual kinks and as Magnus says – there's a LOT of stuff out there far worse than a woman gaining muscle mass and turning into a big sexy amazon. So, don't think of it as an affliction but just a hobby… that gets you excited. Like naked stamp collecting.

    Agent Highmax

    This one made me think. I never thought of my interest in muscular woman as a fetish even though I do favor outlandish dimensions in what I tend to draw. I thought of it as something kool and different. When I created my first fmg character as a kind of "what if" she hulk got the same type of inflation her cousin did. There was also a joke between me and a friend during ninja turtles 2 after we saw super shredder we said "what would have happened if shredder dumped ooze on that girl like he threatened to?"

    The more time ive spent talking to people in this community though i have come to consider it sexually appealing and I'm more into it. I don't know maybe it is one.  ;D

    On a side note it truly astounds me, the things in our society that are acceptable and have become acceptable but a muscular woman is looked upon with such bias. We are the "Don't judge me" generation yet this is so outlandish for some reason.

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