Whatever happened to crazyfck?

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    Hey, I’m just curious if any of you guys had contact with him. Left a few messages at deviantart but no response. I was hoping to see a continuation on Lucifer’s Sandbox and his other stories which I find to be quite enjoyable to read.

    Any idea?


    I have never seen one poster get so many “what happened to” threads. This I haven’t read any of Crazyfck’s stories, but wow seems like he must have some good stuff since people keep asking for him.

    Haven’t seen him around these parts in a while.


    I don’t know him well, but he’s evidently okay and still writing on occasion, albeit in less volume. I know he’s been doing manips at deviantart though (Only moderately ‘my thing’, though I am considering uploading some stuff since I had to get a membership to see his work. I tend to be more mindcontrol oriented though.), and has evidently been bit by the rendering bug of late.



    Oh man, crazy writes the very best stuff there is. I sure hope he gets back into it some day.


    My impression is that he hasn’t abandoned the field, just expanded his creativity into broader and more technically demanding venues. Personally I only manip because I can’t write worth a damn and think He, MarkNew, Stewy and Greapos should simply be writing 24/7, but since the airborne team cleared them out of my Island Fortress/Starbucks Franchise I probably won’t be able to arrange that again until after the plastic surgery and the new ID is setup.

    But rest assured compatriots . . .
    it is coming . . .
    Yes fetish writers, there will be no more of this foolish ‘rendering’ then, you *will* write the stories *I* want to read . . .
    MUA HAH HAH HAAAAAAAAAAAA . . . damn allergies


    That’s funny Pug, thanks for the laugh. Do you know where Crazy’s deviantart is?


    Hey, I’m alive and kicking

    and still writing

    Sorry if I didn’t reply on DeviantArt, I’m still angry with them. I respect their policies but I don’t like the way they handle them, like most providers they just erase my submissions while a single polite message would resolve it.

    And I thought that Google would be different…

    But that is no excuse, sorry again for my lack of communication.

    All my works are ‘in progress’, to me they are all continuous never ending stories.

    But I’m trying to polish them a little better before posting; writing a story draft is fast and easy, but to write properly in another language will never be easy for me. That’s my setback

    But fortunately Pug is helping me, and he can bring it to another level and I’m anxious to share it.


    I was thinking in changing the name Crazyfck to avoid more problems with the internet police

    possible author names:
    Twistedfck? No, that keeps the problem
    CrazyNew? No, not original
    Gaius Baltar is already taken

    something french like Hyacinthe-Louis Martin?

    maybe I should go like Prince and just use a Logo


    The annoying thing is Google’s terms of service is explicit that there shouldn’t be a problem with adult writing.

    “Content policies listed below play an important role in maintaining a positive experience for everyone using Google products. We need to curb abuses that threaten our ability to provide these services, and we ask that everyone abide by the policies below to help us achieve this goal.

    When applying these policies, we may make exceptions based on artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific considerations or where there are other substantial benefits to the public from not taking action on the content. Be sure to check back from time to time, as these policies may change. Please also refer to Google’s Terms of Service for more information.”


    Don’t publish sexually explicit images or videos, such as those with nudity or graphic sex acts. Writing about adult topics is permitted as long as they aren’t accompanied by sexually explicit images or videos, or any material that promotes or depicts unlawful or inappropriate sexual acts with children or animals. Additionally, we don’t allow content that drives traffic to commercial pornography.

    Considering these policy guidelines are the actual documents the Google TOS violation cites and that I filed a complaint several days ago with no response or acknowledgement, I can’t recommend Google Docs for anyone’s use. They are all too happy to ignore their terms of service.

    Sucks – the collaboration features were nice.


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