Who are some Muscular Celebrities?

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  • #57004

    must mention this site http://www.lances66.co.uk/

    Wow that site has a great collection of female muscle in movies.


    …holly hunter, she might be a bit older now but very ripped biceps.

    Yeah, what a hag! ::) 😉

    Laila Ali packs on some tough muscle.

    Yes, most definitely, but I'm calling a technical: like Cory (sorry, CP), didn't being a pro athlete make Ali a celebrity before acting or TV appearances (unless you count being a world-famous athlete's daughter)?

    …[Celine] Dion

    Prove it. ;D ???

    …Natalie Raitano from VIP!!

    We're heading into anyone-who's-set-foot-in-a-24-Hour-Fitness territory now! (Not that Raitano didn't work that sh*t!)

    …pics of Sarah Jessica Parker…

    Got this one, Mag'? Is this muscular–or shapely?

    Atomic Adam

    Prove it. ;D ???

    Just watch the video for that titanic theme song she did. Once you get a look at her arms and sholders You'll be convinced. 😉

    Prophet Tenebrae

    You might want to look at recent shots of Sarah "I have a big ugly nose" Parker and Madonna – they were shown on Richard & Judy and espoused as part of some new Hollywood fad for powerful upper arms and indeed, both looked noticeably muscular.


    must mention this site http://www.lances66.co.uk/

    Wow, great link. Tons of high quality, DVD captures.
    Some of those German actresses are hot!

    BTW, seeing those caps of Renée Zellweger from Chicago, reminded me of Denise Faye, who was also in Chicago (both the movie and on Broadway). Understandably, she has a hard, dancer's body, which was well displayed in American Pie 2.

    Actually, Denise Faye also resembles another fairly buff actress, Brenda Bakke. Her body was absolutely insane in American Gothic, especially her legs.

    Unfortunately, both women seem to have retired from acting. Argh, is there a pattern here, or what?


    You might want to look at recent shots of Sarah "I have a big ugly nose" Parker and Madonna – they were shown on Richard & Judy and espoused as part of some new Hollywood fad for powerful upper arms and indeed, both looked noticeably muscular.

    See http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/showbiz/showbiznews.html?in_article_id=474034&in_page_id=1773&in_page_id=1773&expand=true#StartComments

    Now, I think that Parker manages to look like an FBB in contest shape (i.e dry and shredded) without the muscularity in these photos – but, if any US members doubt it when I say that the UK is deeply against femuscle, then just look at the article comments, one of hich is from a woman! ::)


    Just watch the video for that titanic theme song she did…

    How many years ago was that? 😀

    …Sarah "I have a big ugly nose" Parker…

    It's "aquiline"! No? Well…you don't fuck the nose!

    …and Madonna – they were shown on Richard & Judy and espoused as part of some new Hollywood fad for powerful upper arms and indeed, both looked noticeably muscular.

    ::) A "fad", what…fifteen years and running? Mainstream media people are so lazy–Madonna's been capitalizing on her bangin' arms for awhile now.  Call me when she starts arm-wrestling orphans!

    See http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/showbiz/showbiznews.html?in_article_id=474034&in_page_id=1773&in_page_id=1773&expand=true#StartComments

    Now, I think that Parker manages to look like an FBB in contest shape (i.e dry and shredded) without the muscularity in these photos

    You mean without the density. I always thought she was just a skinny broad with a nice shape. She's cut these days! I guess being an "ectomorph" does have its advantages.


    Nice arms but not enough meat on her bones!


    Nice arms but not enough meat on her bones!

    As usual, someone far better than me manages to say what I tried to say, but puts it so much more succinctly. ;D  She seems buff yet scrawny to me – there's no density (as Grandmaster said) or fullness about her at all.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    It's pretty impressive how ripped SJP is considering how thin she is… Madonna looks sinfully fugly in that picture though.

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