Who here likes "geeky" muscle girls?

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  • #75486

    I wonder if I'm the only one who likes 'em (not that I've seen any real ones O.o)… Basically, if you saw my 3D render of "Trish" in Muscular Women Art, you'd know what I'm talking about, a (preferably bespectacled) muscle girl with so-called "nerdy" facial features who, despite her extraordinary build, is quite shy. Anyone else got a thing for them? ^^;


    Um… YES!  I like shy nerdy women in general, and I like hypermuscular females.  The intersection of the two is improbable, but in no way detracts from either preference.

    I imagine Mr. Shhh would be another fan, if I judge right from his Hardbody stories.

    As to whether women like this exist or not… dang these limiting shackles of reality!  Dang them to heck!

    Hunter S Creek

    You can count me among those who appreciate the juxtaposition of a sexually and physically powerful female body with a face, demeanor, and personality that is not.

    For details and a sketch please see my recent post in GWHH's thread — http://amaz0ns.com/option,com_smf/Itemid,135/topic,7830.0/



    I like shy nerdy women in general, and I like hypermuscular females.  The intersection of the two is improbable, but in no way detracts from either preference.

    Eh. Hope springs eternal I guess.

    Personally I prefer a sexy pout to a geeky smile. Although… looking at my own fitness girl jump left and right on the couch while playing her Wii is kinda cute. Hum… ::)


    Same here.  At Uni, there is a girl with whom I was friends as an Undergraduate.  She's now finished her PhD, and, whilst I always fancied her, the thought of her gettng buff has long been a pleasant daydream.


    I like the two categories as well (although I admit it's fairly unlikely I'll find anyone that meets both).

    A while back we had a story on the site that featured a bookwormish, muscular girl that joins a sorority.  It's text only and adult in nature, but it was cool to see the fantasy come to life (even if very unlikely): http://www.amysconquest.com/nancy.html


    I can't tell you how much YES. 😛


    You can count me among those who appreciate the juxtaposition of a sexually and physically powerful female body with a face, demeanor, and personality that is not.

    For details and a sketch please see my recent post in GWHH's thread — http://amaz0ns.com/option,com_smf/Itemid,135/topic,7830.0/

    Wow, neat thread there.  I find my preferences to be much along the same lines as yours.  A gentle sort of personality who grew into her beauty, is "hot" but somehow forgets it at times, has the capability and inner strength to see the world through unclouded eyes, and is skilled in her calmly intelligent way at navigating through life and society.  A female reflection of how I'd like to be, come to think of it.  ;D

    Anyway, it amuses me how many kinks/fetishes this subject touches on.  Girls with glasses, for example (the Japanese even have a term for this: megane-ko).  You don't have to have glasses to be nerdy, but it helps the look and is simply adorable.  And the idea of a friend you knew from childhood, who grows together with you to be something more, the osana najimi; that's been a pleasant fantasy of mine for years as well.

    Personally I prefer a sexy pout to a geeky smile. Although… looking at my own fitness girl jump left and right on the couch while playing her Wii is kinda cute. Hum… ::)

    Ok, Devon, am I going to be forced to ignore you along with EvanSnowWolf when you talk about your girlfriends?  Jealousy is not the type of emotion I like to wallow in!  😀


    Strong girl meets geekette? 

    Y'know, I'm surprised that nobody's thought of this little possibility before:

    The Magic/Swordfight Live Action Role Play Convention.

    Yeah, my first internet friend I'd had an F2F meeting before was a classic geek. She had the glasses, the band membership, the French horn talent, the fascination with Star Wars, Sailor Moon and other anime, fanfiction, Dance Dance Revolution, tabletop roleplay games of all sorts… and yes, medieval battle recreations with foam rubber stuff.  Think sword fights with weapons made out of PVC plumbing material. 

    The only blot on a perfect geekette record?  She was quite lovely with her glasses off.  (And pretty cute still with them on.) 😉

    She was no Amazon, sadly.  Not in the purely physically bodily sense, anyway.  But she could smack somebody with a Nerf sword easily enough.

    So think if a weekend wizard/warrior woman thought about getting in better shape for the Big Convention/Battle Campaign in the city park next season, doing more exercise, cardio, and working out purely for tone. 😉 At first….

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