- This topic has 12 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 9 months ago by
May 31, 2009 at 5:50 pm #84296
ParticipantI just signed up for Twitter and am starting to compile a list of people in the Female Muscle biz. Please add more if you find them.
Here's two that everyone should have:
Area Orion http://twitter.com/areaorion
Amaz0ns http://twitter.com/Amaz0nsThe Women
Amanda Dunbar http://twitter.com/ajgilly3
Amanda Harris http://twitter.com/AmandaHarrisUSA
Bonny Priest http://twitter.com/bonnypriest
Christy Resendes http://twitter.com/christyresendes
Cindy Phillips http://twitter.com/Canchick
Colette Nelson http://twitter.com/goldsgym13
Elena Seiple http://twitter.com/Eseiple
Heidi Kruger-Carey http://twitter.com/JetSetGoMum
Isabelle Turell http://twitter.com/isabelleturell
Jamie Eason http://twitter.com/Jamie_Eason
Jessica Putnam http://twitter.com/JessFit
Jo Stewart http://twitter.com/bodybyjo
Julie Lohre http://twitter.com/jlohre
June Monroe http://twitter.com/JUNEMUNROE
Kristal Richardson http://twitter.com/TCurvesKristal
Krissy Chin http://twitter.com/KRISSYCHIN
Laura Creavalle http://twitter.com/lauramsolympia
Lauren Powers http://twitter.com/laurenpowers
Lenda Murray http://twitter.com/LendaMurray
Lisa Bickels http://twitter.com/lisabickels
Lori Braun http://twitter.com/loribraun999
Mariya Mova http://twitter.com/dmova
Mary E. Hobbs http://twitter.com/TeamTXMuscle
Melissa Dettwiller http://twitter.com/melissadettwill http://twitter.com/buffdoll
Melody Spetko http://twitter.com/melodysmuscle
Michelle Berger http://twitter.com/BuffMother
Mindi O'Brien http://twitter.com/mindiobrienfit
Negrita Jayde http://twitter.com/negritaj
Rhonda rydell http://twitter.com/rhondarydell
Ruthie Lucchesi http://twitter.com/Musclebombshell
Sharee' http://twitter.com/shareesmuscles
Sherry Smith http://twitter.com/bigfirechic
Theresa Hendricks http://twitter.com/buffednana
Tonia Moore http://twitter.com/toniamoore
Tracie Lynn http://twitter.com/Tgofigure
Wanda Moore http://twitter.com/fbblildoll
Wendy Rider http://twitter.com/MuscleBarbie
Related Sites
Bodybuilding.com http://twitter.com/Bodybuildingcom
Buff chicks http://twitter.com/Fbb420
DIY Muscle http://twitter.com/diymuscle
FBB Links http://twitter.com/FBBlinks
FBB News http://twitter.com/fbbnews
FemFlex http://twitter.com/femflex
Figure Athlete http://twitter.com/FigureAthlete
FitGems http://twitter.com/FitGemsNation
FLEX Magazine http://twitter.com/FLEX_Magazine
Hardbody News http://twitter.com/hardbodynews
Ironman Magazine http://twitter.com/ironmanmagazine
Muscle Angels http://twitter.com/muscleangels
Muscle Porn http://twitter.com/muscle_porn
Muscular Development http://twitter.com/MuscularDevelop
SheMuscle http://twitter.com/shemuscle
Sioux Country http://twitter.com/siouxcountry
Testosterone Muscle http://twitter.com/TestMusclePhotographers
Bill Dobbins http://twitter.com/billdobbins
Brian Moss http://twitter.com/brianmossphoto
Michael Eckstut http://twitter.com/herbiceps
Orange Photo http://twitter.com/orangephoto
Tom Nine http://twitter.com/TomNineMay 31, 2009 at 8:38 pm #84297BlackKusanagi
ParticipantWelp that just might rock. XD Thanks for the links.
June 1, 2009 at 5:06 am #84298areaorion
ParticipantHere's another
FBBFan.com http://twitter.com/fbbfancom
Its a cool social network for FBB's & fans. Check it out and maybe even become buddies with some Pro'sJune 2, 2009 at 7:09 pm #84299areaorion
ParticipantAva Cowan http://twitter.com/AvaCowan
Marzia Prince http://twitter.com/MarziaPrince
Tamar Cohl http://twitter.com/PlanetTamarJune 4, 2009 at 8:18 pm #84300DTM
ParticipantI actually just joined a few days ago. Not exactly sure what Im supposed to do there, but Im learning……I think….
June 5, 2009 at 12:40 am #84301Lingster
KeymasterI've been using it for over two years for other purposes. I set up an account for Amaz0ns – http://twitter.com/Amaz0ns – last month after Rejaw announced it was going under.
For me it's a shorthand blogging technique. If I see something interesting but don't feel like committing the ten or fifteen minutes to writing a full post, I throw it out on Twitter.
June 6, 2009 at 6:45 am #84302areaorion
ParticipantI just learned about #Hashtags today and started one for Female Muscle. Let's see if it takes off. Search for #fmsl
June 6, 2009 at 6:49 am #84303Lingster
KeymasterThat #fmsl hashtag is a good idea. I suppose that four alphanumerics is about as concise as we can get.
June 6, 2009 at 12:09 pm #84304JimmyDimples
ParticipantI'm afraid Twitter's not an option for me. I had considered joining it earlier, but I was afraid that soon as I did… something like this would happen:
Sadly, I was right.
And I'm afraid it's delaying the loading of this forum, as my browser waits for a feed that's never going to come.
Also, no YouTube since March. I know, it's time to move, but who's hiring?
June 7, 2009 at 6:51 pm #84305areaorion
ParticipantI've noticed that also. Amaz0ns takes FOREVER to load sometimes waiting for their Twitter feed.
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