Why do you draw muscular females?

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    This is a question I have been thinking about lately.  The more I thought about it the more I felt that if I asked I would potentially get a variety of different responses.  Curiousity has finally provoked me into blantly asking…

    "Why do you draw muscular females?"  It doesn't matter what size or shape, if there's any form of muscle on the body you have illustrated it counts.  However, being the good sport that I am I will go into why I draw female muscle.

    Basics what you already know:

    – It looks sexy, the body is very appealing and fun to draw especially those yummy growth sequences.

    What you DON'T know:

    – Why I chose to draw is not because I am an accomplished or professional artist who figured it would be a fun side hobby.  I am far from it, I never studied art and my artwork shows that, it's not great but it's not awful either, it's definitely more geared toward animation than anything else.

    I chose to draw muscular females because as I scoured through the internet I never once found a single website which dealt in detailed female muscle growth animations.  Sure you'd get the occassional AVI here and there, and sometimes really short animations.  But I wanted something that was longer, more complex, more detailed.

    In the end what I wanted was a cartoon that I could tune in to watch for weekly updates.  Hell I know if I had money I would even considering PAYING for it, but money has been tough to come by lately.  So I started drawing in order to fill the gap that was missing, starting from simple animations to more complicated ones that instead of taking weeks to complete now took months and currently years.

    As I drew the animations I slowly began to realize that the reason I was drawing was becoming less and less for me.  Sure I felt an immense amount of satisfaction upon properly animating a nipple popping out of a shirt or a bicep ripping open a sleeve, but what I really wanted was to share what I had finished with everyone else and get their comments from them.  Everytime I got a positive compliment from someone or even constructive criticism I turned it up a notch going higher and higher.  Until eventually the only reason I drew animations of beautiful, good girl woman growing big muscles and ripping out of their clothes, was simply for the sheer satisfaction of knowing that others out there can see my work and say, "Man thanks for doing that for us!"

    But that's only part 1, part 2 is the reason why I even considered starting to draw in the first place!

    I view female muscle as an 'earned' sign of respect, to me a woman with gorgeous muscles who has worked for years on building her body earns a great amount of respect for me.  In my own little world any woman who I could visualize turning from a normal average sized woman into a hulking, spectacular, muscle goddess was A-OK in my book.

    It gave them great power, but I always liked the good girl so whenever she would have that 'gift' from me I would always make sure she used it for the benefit of others.  To be a role model, to be a symbol of strength, to be a paragon of virtue.  I enjoy seeing that, I think Mikazuki is one of the few people who convey that very well in her illustrations!  The one with the girl standing in the colissuem is the perfect example of how heroic I visualize a woman with muscles.  That's why when I choose to draw them, it is not to humiliate the women the illustrations are based off of but rather it is a way to idolize them and flatter them in ways they had never ever dreamed of.  (With the exception of villains who get the greatest insult.)

    So now that you know why I chose to draw muscular females, why do -YOU- choose to draw them?

    And if it's something as simple as 'It's sexy."  Then so be it, that's how it will be.  But I get the feeling there might be some variety in the next couple of posts.  (Assuming someone posts!)

    So go ahead and give it a go, see what happens!


    I draw them because I like huge.
    Basically it was something on TV that sparked it off, and I thought.. hmm.. I wanna do that.
    So I did, and I found this nice little niche in the impossibly huge, with massive boobies :3 because I just LIKE them that big. I like the idea of an almost immesureable strength, all in a feminine package, without being typically feminine. Plus massive bulging clothes-busting muscles are just plain hot.

    And I draw it because I can. If I couldn't, I'd just hang around looking at it. I've never had anyone help me draw and no classes to do so, so it's one of those things I can go and do whatever I like with.


    I don't eaxctly daw them, but… I do muscle morphs because kinda like with Syberstyk, something just sparked me off one day. I was just surfing around the net…doing….stuff. o.o And i found a gallery w/ muscle women, and here we are.


    "Why do you draw muscular females?"

    My parents didn’t raise me right.  😀

    David C. Matthews

    I'm afraid I can't add any variety to the responses, Collector_2; you've pretty much covered most of the reasons I draw them (even down to the "good girl" part).

    And hey, they are sexy!


    Heh heh, awesome.  Morphs are included too, anything that basically requires pictures I think is considered.  But it's interesting to see the responses that have come up so far.


    I drew muscular females so I could have a big wank.

    I soon realised that I didn't need to draw women to have an erection, and thus, stopped drawing.

    On the bright side, I am quite sore all the time now.


    Heh heh, awesome.  Morphs are included too, anything that basically requires pictures I think is considered.  But it's interesting to see the responses that have come up so far.

    Oh. Whoo.
    I morph pictures of fbbs, regular chicks, and even drawings sometimes because I basically like bigger as well.
    Ive been into muscular chicks for a fairly decent couple years, not really all that long, but Ive never EVER been able to say "Well now a pox on this picture, its too big for my tastes."
    I dont have the morphing ability to even match up to some of the bigger stuff Ive seen (Like our own Kulli here *squeeze*) but eh, it works towards a bigger girl, and thats what Ive always liked.
    Plus seriously, like Im sure the collector stated, being the object of a muscular fantasy such as most fbbs are isnt easy. Theres a lot of fetishes out there that dont require someone to do shit to fall into, like really heavy set women.
    No wrong in liking that at all, but just saying, it doesnt take much work. More or less a lack thereof really. Or, diggin chicks with huge implants. Chelsea Charms and Keisha Evans dont really have to work out every day to keep their boobs huge and whatnot. But with musculature, you gotta work every day to keep it there and keep it presentable. Thats just something I always pondered upon too, a little. Neat topic Collector.

    I drew muscular females so I could have a big wank.

    I soon realised that I didn't need to draw women to have an erection, and thus, stopped drawing.

    On the bright side, I am quite sore all the time now.

    I just laughed so hard there my head drooped and smacked the table.
    Ultimate dude answer, it does indeed win.
    (I bet my wank is bigger dude. >:"o)


    Ah, a thought provoking thread 🙂

    I soon realised that I didn't need to draw women to have an erection, and thus, stopped drawing.

    Honest to goodness, Mr Fett, I wish you'd draw more though.

    As for me… [begin philosophical rant]

    I started drawing muscular women because it conveniently expressed my inner state of being. My earlier drawings were rough and aggressive, because I felt oppressed by the outside world. Whenever I felt weak, I'd draw (so to speak) on the explosive power of these women.

    After meeting my husband, he encouraged me to express myself. So for the first time, I openly drew muscular women. My drawings were initially shy, then more daring. After joining amaz0ns, they became liberating. The community opened my eyes to the beauty and strength of the muscular form, and from that, I began to see the beauty and strength in myself.

    Neon Black told me, "Learn all you can and then strengthen your Soul, before you strengthen your flesh, and make all the World your Path and your teacher." That's what I want to strive for. My art mirrors my progress, and while far from smooth, has been steady.

    I thank you, Collector, for your kind words. They have given new meaning to my artwork, and I'm deeply touched.


    I honestly dont know. I started out seeing random instances of muscled females in the media and was very intrigued by them. I picked up a pencil and started to see others art on the net which inspired me to get at it (people like Red, Freaker, and others) and I kept at it. Longer I did it, the more intrested I got in the subject.

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