Why women can’t fix cars

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  • #79387
    David C. Matthews

    I was forwarded the following in an e-mail this morning:
    Why Women Can't Fix Cars

    It honestly never occurred to me.                           
    Why Women Can't Fix Cars…

    I always thought it had something to do with their fingernails !!!!

    Who Knew ??


    Now for the other funny part: it was my wife Janet who forwarded this to me!  She'd gotten it from one of her e-mail friends, and she sent it on to me… I guess she thought there was something about this pic that I'd like  😀

    She added her own message at the top of the e-mail:  "Hey, is that Tetsuko?  No, the legs aren't big enough!"

    To which I replied, "Of course it's not Tetsuko… it's Sonya!  Uh… in a blonde wig… I guess…"


    I keep hearing something about headlights in thoughts. ;D

    Someone kept saying she had something big under the hood. So she had to take a look. Should have taken the wig off so it didn't help her find a way to see…… ::)


    What, you never heard of putting a car on a rack?


    😀  The picture is funny the comments are even funnier.  ;D

    David C. Matthews

    What, you never heard of putting a car on a rack?

    😀 😀 😀 I wish I'd thought of that!  😀 😀 😀


    I saw that picture a long time ago, and loved it. There's another from the same 'shoot'. I never found out who the gal was.

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