Will the She-Hulk appear in the new Avengers movies?

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  • #135198

    Keep dreaming, pal. Highly doubt we’ll ever see She-Hulk or at least a version of She-Hulk we would want to see anyway.

    Dust Ty

    She Hulk is a major character in Marvel, but all the character rights are split between 3 different movie studios- 20th Century Fox (XMEN, Fantastic 4, Deadpool), Sony (Spider-Man- they let Marvel Studio use Spider-Man because they realised lately they suck) and Marvel Studios.

    This is why we never got a Hulk movie after the first one. I doubt we will get any new characters in Infinity War, Civil War would have been a better opportunity if any to introduce She Hulk..


    We actually got two Hulk movies. They’re even given a nod to be in cannon with the MCU (“The last time I was in New York I accidentally broke Harlem”). Hulk will feature prominently in Ragnarok, and there have been rumors about allowing Mark Ruffalo to headline his own picture. (That said, Universal, of all people, has some sort of rights to a Hulk film.)

    I think we’d be more likely to get a Black Widow film, though.

    Trent Harlow

    I wouldn’t be surprised to see a She-Hulk Netflix series, but not in the movies.

    Bane Dorrance

    I wouldn’t be surprised to see a She-Hulk Netflix series, but not in the movies.

    Well as has been discussed in the past in this forum,..Hollywood will never agree on who to cast for She-Hulk or decide which version of She-hulk we should get
    I mean we can barely find viable roles for girls with muscle as it is
    I mean go look at imdb page for Gina Carano & Ronda rousey at the moment


    Bane, I get what you say, but most athletes can’t really act even if their lives depended on it.

    Bane Dorrance

    Bane, I get what you say, but most athletes can’t really act even if their lives depended on it.

    This is true,..tried watching CBS TV cult classic,GETTING PHYSICAL on Youtube and it was abysmal
    Acting is harder than ppl think which is why wrestlers can do it sometimes because they are having to act every wrestling match
    Tried to get into acting but faking emotion does not come very easy to all of us



    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    Bane Dorrance
    Bane Dorrance
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