Witchcraft & Wizardry

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  • #54012

    Yet another great chapter.  Can't wait to see where it goes next.

    ze fly

    Great!  šŸ™‚


    Thanks!  Glad you're enjoying it.  It might be a little while 'till the next chapter comes along.  I work best when the story flows out of me and at the moment the flood has turned back into a creek.  Don't worry, it won't be too long because I'm enjoying this story as much as you'all are…


    Feel no pressure from me ratlaf.  I will take it as it comes.  I just appreciate the fact that you are writing such a great story.

    The Highlander

    Very good story (despite never touching any HP stuff with a bargepole before). The one thing that worried me is when Julie started talking about men beginning 'their tyrannical, sexist domination'. I hope this is not going to turn into another men bashing story like so many others.


    Another, short, chapter.  Ladies, go easy on me since I'm obviously a guy trying to write about how it feels for a woman…  You'll read about what I mean.  Enjoy!


    This time, as I walked through the castle, not only did everyone stare, they came out of classrooms, common rooms, the library, the great hall, all to get a look at me.  Every single person who saw me was stunned into silence.  Imagine seeing the impossible walking down the hallway of your school or office, or the street of your town.  A beautiful woman so tall that most people are eye level with her bellybutton, and so muscular that she makes even this castle, that has been standing for over a thousand years now, look weak by comparison to her perfectly sculpted massive muscles. 
    None of the great masters of art, muggle or wizard, would ever have been able to create or even replicate the muscular perfection that I now possessed.  I had transcended from human into goddess.  Fortunately I wasnā€™t power hungry and other than testing my limits against giants, or Hagrid, and having my one worshiper, Bobby, I didnā€™t need more than that.
    Along the way to Hagridā€™s cabin I heard my tiny little manā€™s voice go ā€œWow!ā€  I turned around and spotting him in the crowd I flipped him up into the air with my index finger.  His head nearly brushed the 50 foot ceiling, and  a moment later I caught him with the utmost gentleness.  He was already hard for me and we made out as I carried him out of the castle onto the grounds as everyone stared, gawked and other wise commented on me and my little man. 
    Before visiting Hagrid we found a beautiful moonlit clearing in the Dark Forest and made love with all the passion our souls possess for each other.  His tiny little body didnā€™t lack in energy for my gargantuan muscles, and his engorged penis filled me to the bursting point.  The closer to orgasm we came the more my muscles pumped up until my one arm was easily larger than his entire body and he was able to hold on to my nipples like joysticks.  In the end his penis exploded into me and I could feel the heat of him fill me up like molten lava.  I came time and time again because it seemed that he would not be spent, and he would not get flaccid.  Every little pulse and movement of him inside me caused yet another orgasm somehow even stronger than the last, and still he did not go limp.  I looked into his eyes and saw that he still had even more and when he began yet again I nearly lost my mind with pleasure.  I had no idea where I was, I had no idea who I was I just new that I needed him in me forever as my vision went red and my breath stopped as he performed his own special brand of magic on me. 

    What seemed like ages later my vision cleared and I looked down to my tiny little man still filling me up to the bursting point.  With a wicked smile he pulled out a little and plunged back in making my vision go red again.  It cleared quickly, but every thrust of his final offering to his own personal goddess sent me into the land of insanity where thereā€™s nothing but pleasure and the color red.  A volcano erupted inside me with the force of a star going supernova and I knew he was coming, and coming and coming into me and at that point in time I decided that to live in the land of red with this divine feeling filling every cell in my body and every corner of my soul, was totally worth it.  I promptly passed out.

    When I came to, seeing the world through a filter of red, I saw that Bobby had also passed out and was curled up on one of my pectorals using my breast as a pillow.  I smiled because his whole body fit totally onto one of my pecs.  I flexed it slowly and he woke with a start and took a look around him.  When he saw me his face erupted with a smile that made me want to go for round two.
    ā€œThat was incredible!ā€
    ā€œYeah, I hope we can experience that every time.  Did you see red as well?ā€ he asked me.
    ā€œI blacked out because there was too much red.  I think if I hadnā€™t Iā€™d be totally insane right now, seeing nothing but red and wanting nothing but that feeling again.ā€
    ā€œIā€™m still seeing red.ā€
    ā€œMe too.  What do you think, magical bond or will it fade?ā€
    ā€œI donā€™t know, Dumbledoreā€™s the expert on this branch of magic.  But it does feel like I can just reach out with my mind andā€¦ā€
    I let out a gasp and jumped, flexing my muscles and sending Bobby into the air because whatever heā€™d just done sent a lightning bolt of pleasure all through me!  It was as if he had perfectly touched my super sensitive clitoris in just the right way.  I was panting as he climbed back up onto my massive form.
    ā€œI thought thatā€™d do the trick,ā€ he said as he began to explore the depths of me with his mind.  I could feel everything he was thinking and very quickly the red took over again sending me orgasm after orgasm, so much pleasure it was too much and when I blacked out again it was with a bit of relief and a bit of regret, even though I knew deep down that it was in my best interests.
    When I came too this time he was lovingly caressing me with a look of total adoration.  The red scrim across my vision was gone and I could tell that the connection between us was temporarily gone.  Until the next time anyway. 

    The next thing we knew it was morning, I was back to my ā€œnormalā€ size and Bobby was holding me in a way that made me feel so loved and feminine that I just enjoyed it until he woke up.
    We dressed and went to breakfast and after classes that evening we went to see Hagrid.
    ā€œI heard about you last night I did.  Whole school was buzzing with excitement.  Heard you last night tooā€¦  Though there was somewhat new in the forest ā€˜till I recognized yer voice.ā€
    Blushing furiously I asked him if I could test my strength against him again.
    ā€œSure but from what I heard I think Iā€™ll be no match for ye.  Give me a few minutes an Iā€™ll come right up to the room of requirement. Alright?ā€
    ā€œOK Hagrid, you know how to find the room?
    ā€œYep,ā€ he said as he strode off into the forest.
    Somewhat curious Bobby and I headed up to the room and the first thing we noticed was that the door was almost 20 feet tall when we entered.  Bobby tried to open it with a flourish for his lady but couldnā€™t budge it.  Even I struggled a bit with my normal strength.  Inside we found a special table for arm wrestling that was so big it looked like it was designed for a giant and after exchanging a look of concern I told Bobby all about how my transfiguration works.
    A few minutes later Hagrid walked in followed by a real Giant.  Bobby gave a squawk of surprise and my eyes were gleaming with possibilities.  Not only was this a real Giant he also had sizeable muscles for a Giant.
    ā€œJulie, Bobby, this hereā€™s me half-brother, Grawp.  Grawp this is Julie and Bobby.ā€
    ā€œJu- J- Julie,ā€ he said with some difficulty.  ā€œJulie!ā€ with a bit more confidence.  Then, ā€œBobby, knew a Bobby onceā€¦ā€
    ā€œThatā€™s nice,ā€ my little man whimpered.
    ā€œHe wasnā€™t nice, didnā€™t like him.  Youā€™re not him?ā€
    ā€œNo!  No Iā€™m not.  Itā€™s nice to meet you Grawp.ā€ he forced himself to say.
    ā€œNot him!  New Bobby!ā€
    ā€œThatā€™s right Grawppy!  New friends.  Julie here is very strong and would like to show us something.ā€
    ā€œJulie strong!  Grawp stronger!ā€ he said with a kindly smile striking a pseudo bodybuilder pose that clearly showed he didnā€™t know how to flex his muscles to show them off.
    ā€œWeā€™ll see about that.  Hagrid shall we start?ā€
    First I arm wrestled Hagrid who was working furiously against my normal sized 24ā€ arm.  Then Grawp who gently but very forcefully beat me.
    ā€œTold Julie, Grawp stronger.ā€
    I then set myself up to cast my transfiguration.  This time I was able to hold on for almost a minute!
    ā€œGorry, thatā€™s some spell youā€™ve got there,ā€ said an awed Hagrid.  This time I beat Hagrid as easily as Grawp had beaten me.  When I faced off against Grawp all he could do is stare at my arm which was already bigger than his own.  I noted a bit of envy in his expression.  He still beat me but he had to work quite a bit harder than he expected to.
    ā€œGrawp still stronger!ā€ he said with a bit less confidence than last time.
    I then looked over at Bobby who cast my Amazonas charm on me.  When the lavender mist cleared I was only a little bit shorter than Grawp who gave his own squawk of surprise at my now twelve and a half foot tall form with much, much more muscle than he himself possesses.  He checked me out, from my calves, up my thighs, to my micro shorts covering my perfect ass, to my abs and lats which flared like the hood of a cobra, to my perfect chest and breasts, to my monstrous shoulders and arms, to my beautiful face and hair perched atop a neck and traps that made his legs look wimpy by comparison.  Uncomfortably I noticed he was getting hard and when I glanced at Hagrid he tried to get his attention on the arm wrestling match.
    This time, when we started, my arm didnā€™t budge an inch and as Grawp tried harder and harder to pin me I found I was not challenged at all.  I brought his hand down as gently and forcefully as heā€™d brought mine down the first time we squared off.
    ā€œGrawp not so strong.  Julie stronger.ā€ He said with his head bowed.  Then he raised his head and there was a fire in his eyes I didnā€™t like at all.  Before I knew it heā€™d pounced at me growling ā€œJulie beautiful woman, Julie mine!ā€ and he tried to rape me.
    ā€œGrawp!!!ā€ roared Hagrid.
    ā€œJulie!!ā€ yelled my little man as he watched helplessly.
    It was a good thing I was so much stronger than him because I was able to quickly recover and get him under control. I pinned one arm behind his back almost at the point of breaking and wrapped my other arm around his neck.  My bicep was expanding around his neck and getting tighter and tighter.  A red stunning spell hit Grawp but with his Giantā€™s skin it was totally ineffective but I knew that my little man had remembered he was a wizard and was trying to help me.  Good for him!
    When my bicep alone was bigger than his head he began to turn purple and after a quick look at Hagrid, who nodded, Grawp passed out.
    ā€œIā€™m so sorry, Julie.  I knew he was lonely in the forest but I didnā€™a think heā€™d do something like that.ā€
    ā€œItā€™s a good thing my magic works as well as it does.ā€
    ā€œYeah.  Iā€™m sorry again, weā€™ve worked hard to get his base instincts under control but I guess seeing you when youā€™re his own size was a bit too much.  Blimey, it was almost too much fer me.  Wait ā€˜till Rebecca sees this one.  Would you be willin to cast it on ā€˜er if she wants to?
    ā€œSure thing Hagrid, then sheā€™d be quite a bit stronger than you.ā€
    ā€œI know, thatā€™s what Iā€™m hopin anyway.ā€ he said blushing furiously.
    ā€œShould I carry Grawp somewhere for you?ā€
    ā€œYeah, bring ā€˜im down to me hut will you?  We need to have a long talk when he wakes up.ā€
    So I bent down a scooped up the thirteen foot giant into my arms, maneuvered him onto one shoulder, even did a few one arm overhead presses with him, and carried him out of the castle.  We used as many secret passages as we could fit through so that the rest of the school wouldnā€™t wonder what had happened that had forced me to knock out a fully grown Giant.
    ā€œThat was something.  Are you alright Jules?ā€ Bobby asked me as we walked back up to the castle.
    ā€œYeah, Iā€™ll be fine.  Iā€™m just glad I was able to handle him.  The alternative would have been unthinkable.ā€
    ā€œAnd me helpless to stop him.  My stunner didnā€™t do anything to him.ā€
    ā€œThanks for helping me out my little hero,ā€ I said as I picked him up to my waiting lips.  Our kiss intensified and after a bit I noticed that the red scrim was creeping back into my vision.  This time I could feel the connection to him and when I caressed his penis with my mind it was his turn to shudder with unanticipated pleasure.  Before we could fully explore it again, it receded and dissappeares.  With a bit of disappointment we went back to our wing of the castle and to my bed, which we now shared on a regular basis.  There was at least that perk to being a University student, we had our own rooms. 
    We started the night with me holding him as a Giantess and Goddess should hold her man, and waking up with him holding me as a man should hold his woman.  Iā€™ve never been happier in my life.

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