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  • #64072

    According to aintitcool.com (so consider the source) Australian supermodel Megan Gale has been cast as Diana in the JLA movie. Some swimsuit photos of her:


    She's a brunette, 5' 10", 30 years old, & sorta has that Lynda Carter look. Unfortunately, I predict she will also have Lynda's acting ability. I mean, honestly, she's a great looking woman (she's been the face for Vodaphone amongst others), but unless she bulks up considerably, is anyone seriously going to look at her as an Amazon? Plus since when is Diana an Austrailian? For that matter, how did Superman become an Aussie too? She's hot, but not enough for now for me to plunk down $12.


    Honestly, do you think mainstream movie watchers are looking for a beefy Wonder Woman? It is hard to get directors to take big girls serious. Besides, How would a big woman with muscle and size hide in a crowd…..unless she transforms in size….oh wait thats She Hulk or Marvel Girl.

    I'm just saying…I am happy they found a tall beauty. She does look fit, just not buff like we here would like.

    Muscle Growth Nut

    If she can affect a non-Australian accent, it's not really gonna matter where she's from. Hugh Jackman's an Aussie, and despite what Pryde of the X-Men indicates, Wolverine is not.

    Besides, How would a big woman with muscle and size hide in a crowd…..unless she transforms in size….oh wait thats She Hulk or Marvel Girl.

    Jean can transform into a buffed-up form? When did this happen? ;D

    the lonster

    Honestly, do you think mainstream movie watchers are looking for a beefy Wonder Woman? It is hard to get directors to take big girls serious. Besides, How would a big woman with muscle and size hide in a crowd…..unless she transforms in size….oh wait thats She Hulk or Marvel Girl.

    I'm just saying…I am happy they found a tall beauty. She does look fit, just not buff like we here would like.

    That's Ms. Marvel…..Not marvel girl. ;D

    Muscle Growth Nut

    That's Ms. Marvel…..Not marvel girl. ;D

    Pretty sure Ms. Marvel doesn't transform either… I think he means Mary Marvel.


    Bingo. 😛

    the lonster

    Bingo. 😛

    Obviously you haven't been reading Ms.marvel lately. ::)


    FYI, Ms. Marvel a.k.a Carol Danvers, does have a transformation trick. Her costume can manifest in a flash. When she was Binary she'd flare up with her skin turning red hot.


    [font=Times New Roman]IF this is true, and that’s a BIG if…  then I am all for this goddess.  Not only does she have that “allure” feature, but also the sensual look that is essential.  I knew they would never cast a REAL FBB in this role, so I’ll take Megan as I can get it.


    She's gorgeous, but I don't know much about her acting abilities. I'll reserve judgement until it's official. This movie has the OMAC's as the main villain, so why are they mentioning Talia al Ghul as a character?

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