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  • #69249

    I'm a big fan of Sherry Smith's physique. However I was very disappointed with her site http://www.sherrysmith-fbb.com. All the videos are flash embedded – just like the one on the home page. This means you cannot download and save them to your hard disk. You can only view them in the browser – like a giant YouTube video.

    This has the following disadvantages:

    1. The HD videos take ages to load up – so you have to wait 10-15mins before you can watch a video through smoothly. If you want an idea how bad it is – just see how long the home page video takes to load for you. The member's videos take even longer.
    2. If you change to another video then change back to the one you were watching before you have to load it all over again!!
    3. If you want to watch your favourite video again on another day you have to load it up again.
    4. You can only watch the videos while your membership lasts – once your membership expires you have nothing.

    This is a real shame because, once loaded, the videos are good HD quality and Sherry looks great.


    Yeah, this is a slippery slope. I know companies have to protect their content, but on the other hand who wants a customer who feels like they didn't get their money's worth.


    That is why I subscribe to Muscle Angels.

    They constantly update their website with new material with different material.  Great Photos, videos, and they can all be downloaded.

    The videos are tremendous quality as most of them are HD quality.


    Check them out for a month, you will not be disappointed if you are a fan of FBB.


    Yes indeed! You can find a better selection of downloadable Sherry clips on multi-sites like Herbiceps – than you can on Sherry's own site.

    Another culprit here is Mindi O'Brien – who's own site rarely gets a video update – but who's always popping up on HB, MA and Kriv etc.


    I doubt the she has much to do with the inadequcies of her site, as I'd have thought that BBing and firefighting must occupy most of her time. ;D 8)

    It's just a shame that her glorious physique is not being served as well as it could be.

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