X-Men Manga: Buff Rogue

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  • #12042
    Muscle Growth Nut

    On top of that you're all being incredibly whiny.

    He has a point, people: Just because a comic doesn't include FMG in an appropriate situation, it doesn't mean the writer is intentionally thumbing his nose at us.

    Zespara Alathar

    I'm just pointing things out is all.  The only time in a regular Marvel comic that Rogue has gained the size and strength of the Juggernaut was in Marvel Team-Up #150 (volume 1).  The Ruby Gem of Cytorrek does in fact convey size, strength, invulnerability, etc to the user.  In said issue, Rogue did not touch the gem although Juggy & Black Tom did.



    Adding the partition of the buff rogue :


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