Young woman saves family

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  • #44411

    Hi all,
    Just found this and thought it might provoke interest.
    She's obviously strong for her age (carrying the father through chest-deep water is surely a huge undertaking), and, from the photo, she looks cute as well.  Good to see strength and fitness being valued by at least a few young women, in addition to selflessness and courage.  Bravo Kyla!


    Wow.  It's always heart-endearing to read about an act of heroism.  I admire her.  Thanks for sharing that, cpbell. 🙂


    Don't mention it – I knew that I had to share it with Amaz0ns members when I read it.  Funnily enough, although it was on a religious website, I'm a biologist and atheist.  I just happened to read it, had much the same "wow" reaction as you did, and thought "I wonder what the lads and ladesses on Amaz0ns will think of this".

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