Zuzana Korinkova – Classics of Femuscle

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    Caused quite a stir of popularity in her time, going from buffed into uberbuffed.  8)

    Source:  Session: WPW-V238 – Zuzana Korinkova

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    One of my all time faves.


    Oh my Goddess! 😮

    What a woman!

    I'm in love! 8)

    ze fly

    One of my all time faves.

    Same here!  😉


    Any idea what she's up to nowadays?


    Any idea what she's up to nowadays?

    I seem to recall when this question came up a few yrs back someone stated that she returned to Slovakia (then Czechoslovakia) and became part of a television news crew in that country, also raising a daughter.  Still was buffed, but more on the lines of a natural lifter.  When she worked w/ WPW she didn't know a word of English, had to use a interpreter.  She also competed in their WPW Strength Extravaganza, quite a fireplug uberpowerhouse in her day, so it wasn't just buffed for looks.

    BTW – there's some past footage of her on You Tube, just type in her name @ Google and you'll find the links on the first two pages.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    I seem to recall when this question came up a few yrs back someone stated that she returned to Slovakia (then Czechoslovakia) and became part of a television news crew in that country, also raising a daughter. 

    Hottest TV news reporter ever, I would have thought! 8)

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