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  • in reply to: Johanna Dejager #73331

    Gawd I thought that this was finished.

    Look, here's what I see. no one has given any "proof" of anything one way or the other. the only thing that has been proven is that we all have different opinions. I think Joann is natural and greyfox doesn't and thats okay, he is entittled to this belief just as much as I am to mine. This thread isn't supose to be a steroid discution, its a thread dedicated to Joann and her acheivements.

    No one should have to have the last word and name calling is not cool we know where people stand. No amount of droning is going to change someones mind in this matter. Now can we please get back to the subject at hand which is how amazing JD is.

    in reply to: Martini Ranch #75688

    Thanks for the prelude to my enthusiasm for Fallout 3…

    The only problem I'm going to have with Fallout 3 is they made it a first person shooter  ??? . I can't stand first person shooters.  >:(

    in reply to: Denise Hoshor (Uberbabe) #38765

    Thats awesome. I've always loved Denise!!!

    in reply to: Johanna Dejager #73322

    YEAH the JD is SO HOT discusions. LOL  ;D

    in reply to: Dianne Solomons – nsfw #75643

    I personaly never found her facialy pretty but I've aways been a fan of viens. She might not be a facion modle but she is a very good bodybuilder that I have great respect for 🙂

    in reply to: Martini Ranch #75685

    I noticed the other girl but I don't think it's Ray and the blacksmith is definately not Kim. I'm pretty sure this video was made before kim came onto the BBing scene.

    in reply to: My hat’s of to you or exspect the unexspected. #75663

    I want a hat that I can pull a cute muscle bunny out of.  ;D

    in reply to: Johanna Dejager #73313

    Part 3:

    Next quote:

    If you are indeed offended all I can do is offer you my apologies, but I can assure you (as i think you know) that was not my intention. Yes, I think that everyone who competes nationally and pro level juice at least; so you know where I stand when those people you mentioned claim to be natural. And I never said that you specifically where ignorant to steroid useage; obviosuly your not.

    I offered the challenge because I knew that no matter what I said, there would be those who did not believe me; it was just another way of verifying my argument. And by the way, male Pro's on those sites are considered the paramount of body building opinions, not saying that they are right about everything in BB'ing, but I can say with full faith that those select few can tell if a person is taking roids just by looking at a photo. Yes I know that sounds ridiculous to many of you, but IMO it is true espcially for Fbb's. So yes I am supremly confident in thier knowledge (those select few, perhaps I should have specified that more in my post-granted.) Well in my experience on these boards, I think many have blind faith in that they refuse to believe that any fbb takes roids, and for some reason think that steroids are cheating in BB'ing—there not. They are a given. So perhaps my experience was not the same as yours, but thats the consitent impression I get from the majority (not the everyone of course).

    Apology accepted. Weather I agree with you or not I can appreciate that you are able to discuss your thoughts without name calling.  🙂 We don't like that here on this board and the moderators do an excellent job (WAY TO GO GUYS!!!) of keeping the peace. We are all adults and conduct ourselves as such even though we do have our more childish  😛 moments from a time to time.

    It's okay if we have people on the board with different vews and opinions so that we can discuss our diffences of thought and weigh them. I'm still going to disagree with you (and its okay that you feel differently, I'm not trying to change your mind I'm just staiting my thoughts) that there isn't any women who have a wonderful gift geneticaly to build muscle because humanity is so vast and comes in so many shapes and sizes. I know its unlikely but there have been women over seven feet tall and there really isn't a drug you can take for that.  ;D So if a woman can be over seven feet tall why not have another who can build some muscle?

    Those are my thoughts and I thank you for yours sir.


    Great pic. Thank you for posting it

    in reply to: Johanna Dejager #73306

    By no means do I mean to belittle anyone here, but the fact that we are even having this conversation really shows that some of you don't know much (or are in denial) about the "dark side" of bodybuilding.

    I'm offended. Weather or not your are trying to call the members of this board ignorant thats how it's coming off.  >:(

    And from what your saying there can not be any truely exceptional female who possesses physiology such as Jennifer Abrams, Rhonda Dethlefs, and Carman Unger who all pride themselves on being drug free are all lying. Not everyone's chemical makeup is the same so I can beleive that there are some women in the sport who can build a lovely physique without drugs. I however am in no way ignorent to the fact that these women are at a very heavy(and I do stress the words very heavy) disadvantage to the girls that juice.

    If your going to make statements such as the ones you need to back it up with sonething more than a challenge that is based off other people's opinions and be more carefull in your criticism of other peoples level of knowledge on the matter before they even state them. It's not a big secret that the people that frequent boards like these are obsessed with the primary subject of the board and will study it with great passion. So to say that "some of you don't know much (or are in denial) about the "dark side" of bodybuilding" is a lot like telling a mechanic that he doesn't know much about cars.  >:(

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