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  • in reply to: My first story #60080

    i prefer more sexuality than gore though  :- ;D

    in reply to: My first story #60079

    wow can't wait to continue… does it comes to sexual activity later or some gore?

    in reply to: Tanya Daniels (nsfw) #46704

    Hey all, sorry for my long absence between stories.  I won't bore anyone with tired explanations and simply say it's good to be back.  With this story, I decided to push the envelope of good taste and go for some really demented situations and descriptions.  Not sure this is the kind of stuff I want to do regularly, but it's an interesting experiment. 

    WARNING – this story features hardcore acts of XXX sexuality, as well as extreme descriptions of muscularity that may be considered disturbing.  Proceed at your own risk.


    A loud bell signaled the end of the school day. 
    Two dozen students jumped to their feet and shuffled out the door.  In the blink of an eye, the small science room was empty, save the teacher and one teenager.
    “Excuse me, Mr.  Maxwell?”  A soft, female voice squeaked.
    The middle-aged teacher looked up from his notes to see a gorgeous, blonde-haired girl standing before him.  Her name was Tanya Daniels.
    The girl looked like your typical cheerleader type – girlish and dumb as a rock.  She was squeezed into a trendy little outfit that seemed designed to show off as much skin as possible.  Coupled with her slutty makeup and five-inch “fuck me” heels, Tanya was a dick hardening bimbo every teenager dreamed of getting a piece of.
    Yet, there was more to Tanya than just tits and ass.  In fact, Tanya didn’t have any tits at all.  That was because her chest, along with every inch of her tight young body, was covered in massive, rippling muscles. 
    “I was wondering if I could talk to you.”  The teen Hercules asked, her soft voice in complete contrast to her macho-man physique.
    Mr. Maxwell tried to focus on the question, but found himself distracted by Tanya’s mind-blowing muscularity.  She was absolutely enormous.  Her 5’3 frame seemed to be carrying at least as much mass a heavyweight Mr. Olympia and from the neck down, she could have easily been mistaken for one.
    Gazing across her body, the exasperated teacher couldn’t believe this hulking girl’s dimensions.  Her broad shoulders looked bigger than a fully-padded football player’s.  Each pumpkin-sized mass lead to a set of traps that swelled to the top of her ears.  Her meaty back and wing-like lats lead down to a tapered waist that gave her a terrifying v-shape.
    “W-what can I help you with, Tanya?”  Maxwell asked cautiously.
    “It’s about the test from last week.”
    The young girl dropped a paper on the desk.  It was marked with a bold “D minus”.
    “Yes, I see.  That is a very disappointing grade.”
    “I tried hard Mr. Maxwell, I really did.  I just have trouble with like, numbers and stuff.  Isn’t there anything you could do to help me?”
    “I’m sorry, Tanya, but I need to be fair with all my students.” 
    The beautiful teen Amazon leaned over and put her hands on the table.  Her giant, protruding pecs tensed up, stretching her blouse.
    “Are you sure?  I mean, I’ll do anything to get a better grade.”
    The shocked science teacher stared transfixed at Tanya’s massive chest.   He could clearly see her bra beneath the thin top straining to contain her huge man tits.  The fact that she was wearing a bra at all was totally ridiculous.  There wasn’t even the slightest hint of breast tissue anywhere on her. 
    “I’m soooo desperate, Mr. Maxwell.  Can’t you think of something that I could do with these little tiny muscles…?”
    Tanya tensed her pecs, instantly transforming them into a hideous orgy of striations.  The buttons on her shirt pulled apart, revealing more of her deeply tanned skin. 
    Maxwell couldn’t believe how shredded she was.  Every inch of her was totally dry.  Even her face showed signs of severe dieting.  Though gorgeous, her skin was tight and gaunt, revealing veins just below the surface. 
    Without a word, Mr. Maxwell got to his feet and locked the door.  Turning around, he undid his tie.
    “Okay Tanya, I’ll help you with your problem.  But you have to do whatever I say.”
    “I’m all yours, Mr. Maxwell.”  The teen replied, a tinge of excitement in her voice.
    “Pull up your shirt.”
    The middle-aged teacher watched as she took the bottom of her top and pulled it up slowly.  A blush washed across Tanya’s face as she revealed a world class six-pack.   
    There was so much muscular detail Maxwell didn’t know where to look first.  Thick collections of veins were pressing through the waist of her skirt and snaking up her abs.  Her abdominals themselves were pool-ball sized hunks that actually protruded from the rest of her body.
    “You’re one jacked bitch.”  Maxwell remarked.  “Feel your six-pack.”
    Tanya rubbed her fingers up and down her abdomen.  It looked like she could grate cheese on it.
    “Unnnn.  It’s so hard…” Tanya moaned.
    “Take off your top.”
    Without a word, Tanya unbuttoned the rest of her top and peeled it off.  The science teacher actually gasped as it hit the floor. 
    Her upper body development was off the charts.   The sadistic condition of her stomach now seemed like an appetizer compared to what stood before him.
    If any single body part stood out from the rest, it was her chest.  The super-human level of mass and thickness this teenage girl possessed was so extreme that he couldn’t imagine what she’d done to achieve it.  Each heaving pectoral mountain was easily the size of two basketballs.  Veins as thick as breakfast sausages literally covered every inch of her tightly stretched skin.     
       Her straining bra was a joke.  The poor undergarment was stretched so tight around her chest that it barely even covered her nipples.  The volume of her mega-chest left huge, heaping mounds of musculature spilling over the cups. 
    “Why do you even bother with a bra, you slut?  You don’t have any tits at all.”
    Tanya bit her lip shyly.
    “I-I guess it’s ‘cause girls are supposed to wear them…”
    “Girls?  You’re not a girl anymore.  You’re a female abomination!”
    Tanya felt an erotic spark shoot through her body.  Here she was standing topless in her high school classroom, showing off her freakish, man-shamming muscles and totally getting off on it.
    Maxwell noticed Tanya’s legs rubbing together.  A wet spot had appeared at her crotch. 
    “This is turning you on, isn’t it?  You like feeling like a twisted muscle-whore.”
    Tanya licked her thick lips.  Her breathing was rapidly increasing.
    “I – I want to get big so bad.”  She muttered, her voice full of humiliation.  “I don’t care if I look like a boy.”
    “Are you juicing, cunt?”  Maxwell prodded.  “Are you a ‘roid junkie?”
    An erotic charge shot though Tanya’s body.  She could feel a gush of girl cum squirt through her panties and pour down her legs. 
    “Oh Mr. Maxwell…. I’m a total steroid junkie!”  She answered, beginning to pump her fists.  “I do everything I can get my hands on – pills, powders.  I even do injections straight into my pecs and biceps.”
    Maxwell watched in amazement as Tanya’s mutant body started to swell before his eyes.  He could hear her bra straining as she pumped more and more mass into her chest.
    “I started juicing when I was eleven.  By the time I entered high school, I was taking twice what my dealer recommended.”
    “What about today?  H-how much are you taking now?” Maxwell asked, his voice starting to waver in disbelief.
    “I – I’m taking almost five times what the biggest Olympia competitors are taking!  I’d do even more if I could afford it!”
    “Jesus…!”  Maxwell gasped.   “Do you know how insane that is?  Don’t you realize the health risks – the side effects?” 
    “I don’t care!  I want the biggest, hardest muscles anyone’s ever seen!”
    By now, Tanya was shaking with muscle lust.  Her bra had nearly disappeared under the growth of her chest and shoulders.  With each breath, her heaving pecs ballooned past her chin.  Most of her neck and ears had vanished beneath her hugely distended traps.
    “Oh gosh, Mr. Maxwell – I want to get big so bad I can hardly stand it!”  Saliva dripped down her chin as she moaned lewdly.
    “Look at me, I’m still too soft!  I’m just a stupid, skinny girl!” 
    The teen titan squeezed her fists until they were white with effort.  One tremendous pump swelled her lats enough to push her arms outward 45 degrees.
    Maxwell noticed the sound of skin stretching as she pushed harder and harder.  Veins were popping everywhere imaginable – her face, her nipples, her arm pits.  It looked like she’d tear through her own flesh at any moment.
    Bringing her fists together, the hulking she-beast crunched out a brain-melting crab flex.  Her entire upper body detonated an impossible amount of definition.  Purple veins wrapped across her temples and covered her entire face.
    “Oh Mr. Maxwell, nobody will take me seriously with these girl curves!  Help me rip my body to shreds!”
    For a moment, all Maxwell could do was stare.  He had no idea what she was talking about.  There was nothing girly about her anymore.  No curves, no tits.  She was a total butch beefcake – a hard, masculine nightmare of meat and sinew.               
    “You want to get ripped…?”  The teacher asked, looking around the room. 
    ”See the refrigerator over there?  Pick it up.  Even a wimpy little slut should be able to do that.”
    Tanya wiped her mouth and looked behind her.  Walking over to the large fridge, she gazed at it.  It was taller than her by a foot and had to weigh several hundred pounds.
    Kneeling down, she placed her veiny hands along the bottom and tilted it back.  With a soft grunt, she flexed her back and lifted the entire unit.
    Maxwell watched Tanya straighten her tree-trunk legs.  Hideous definition exploded throughout her thighs and hamstrings.   Her bra strained harder against her aggressive meat wings as she held the heavy appliance 3 feet off the ground.
    Even though the fridge was easily 4 feet wide, Mr. Maxwell could still see Tanya’s tremendous shoulders peeking out from either side.  Jesus, he thought.  She was wider than a fucking refrigerator!
    “Is that it?  Is that all you can do?”  The teacher pushed.  “You’re just a weak little cunt smear, aren’t you?  All those injections and pills and that’s all you’ve got?” 
    Tilting her head back, Tanya began to lower and raise the refrigerator like a giant barbell.  With each rep, her face tightened in pain.  Veins thickened along her temples, nose and forehead, further raping her diminishing femininity. 
    “You wimp, you’re struggling to even hold it!  You’ve fucked up your body for nothing!”
    Tanya grit her teeth hard and lifted the fridge higher.  Her arms shook violently as she lifted it up past her ridiculous chest.  Her football-sized biceps flared with stunning mass and definition.
    “Hhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnngggggg!!!!!”  Tanya cried as she powered the refrigerator higher.  Her entire body was now vibrating.  Her vascularity was insane.  Everything was throbbing like it was going to burst. 
    “AGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”  Came a ferocious roar as she suddenly pressed the entire refrigerator over her head.   Her bra instantly snapped leaving her completely bare-chested.  Her naked nipples looked ridiculous atop such colossal slabs of beef.     
    As she held the fridge aloft, it was clear that Tanya’s body obsession was beyond comprehension.  Being a girl in even the loosest sense of the word meant nothing to her.  She was a fiend for muscle – a mindless, vein-engorged beast so completely developed that she would have been considered hideous for a male.  Yet it was her face that told the saddest story.  Mangled in an agony-fueled snarl, her beautiful features had been totally overwhelmed by an onslaught of the thickest, most disgusting vascularity humanly possible.  She looked like a reject from a horror movie.
    Tanya let out another yell.  Spit flew as she shook her head.   The entirety of her body had become covered in sheen of sweat giving her an oiled, competition look.  It also amplified every last detail of her butch body, making her look like some beef-cake poster boy on crack. 
    Finally, the drooling teen started to lower the giant weight.  About halfway down, her quivering body finally gave out and the massive fridge crashed to the ground. 
    Tanya dropped to her knees, her body shaking like a drug addict.  Maxwell could hear her whimpering beneath her muscle-plated body.  She was a lump of twitching anatomy – muscles on-top of muscles.
    “Tanya…”  Maxwell spoke.
    The teen she-thing looked up.  Her face was shocking.  It was a tight, vascular train-wreck – barely human, let alone female.  Throbbing blue veins were exploding through every last bit of skin.  A few dozen had bunched up at the corners of her nose and her cheeks, chin and lips were completely covered. 
    Yet somehow, Tanya’s eyes still burned with a smoldering sexually.  Under all that brawn and sinew there was a burning hot babe.  As Maxwell gazed at her, he could feel his dick turning to stone.
    “Crawl to me.”  He commanded.
    To his surprise, the bulging mass of muscles before him dropped to all fours.  Her wet, stringy hair hung past her face as she started moving towards her master. 
    Maxwell almost blew his load then and there.  The image of this hyper-muscular high school bodybuilder crawling across the floor half naked was too much to bear. 
    With every step, her sweaty physique rippled with feathering and cross-striations.  Even the most miniscule of muscle groups were completely jacked. 
    Finally, Tanya arrived before her teacher.  He could hardly believe the size of her.  Her back was like three desks pushed together.   Her chest was almost dragging on the floor. 
    Looking up, Tanya’s gaze almost ignited Maxwell.  It was pure degradation.  For all her strength, this bulging bitch was a hardcore submissive slut and she knew it. 
    “Suck my cock you little bitch.” Maxwell spat.
    “Yes, Mr. Maxwell.”  The teen replied.
    Taking his pants, Tanya unzipped the crotch allowing a massive hard-on to spring forth.   She was amazed by the size of it.
    “Swallow it.”
    Without hesitation, Tanya opened her mouth and ran her tongue up the shaft.  A river of saliva ran down the hot flesh and dripped off his balls. 
    Maxwell watched the starved girl feverishly attack his member.  Within seconds, strands of spit were hanging between his cock and her lips.  Shit she was a sloppy bitch. 
    Grabbing her head, Maxwell started to impale her on his raging boner.  Tanya opened her mouth as wide as she could to allow his apple-sized helmet access, but even with her lips stretched pencil thin, she could barely get him in.
    With one hard shove, Maxwell cruelly rammed his cock halfway down the teen’s throat.  She choked audibly; spit gurgling from the pits of her stomach and oozing out the edges of her mouth. 
    “Take that dick, bitch.”  He grunted, ignoring her muted grunts of discomfort.  He knew he’d clogged her esophagus.  Let her choke.
    With another hard shove, Maxwell pushed another few inches of wrist-thick meat down into the teen.  He could actually see Tanya’s neck stretch.  Veins and muscles pushed apart as the outline of his member slid further down her gullet.
    “You like it, don’t you, cunt?  You love eating cock.”
    The lust stricken teacher moved his hands down Tanya’s back and shoulders.  They were dwarfed by a literal sea of hard, sweaty flesh.  From his vantage point, he might as well have been getting a blow job from Lou Ferigno.  Tanya’s uber-back and boulder-sized shoulders were more macho than any man’s in existence.  Hell, each blade of her delts was as big as a bowling ball.
    “You’re the most demented bodybuilder I’ve ever seen.”  The teacher moaned, his balls starting to churn.  “You’re a fucking freak of nature!”
    Tanya tightened her fists and spread her lats.  It looked like a dragon spreading its wings.  Her total mass swelled by several feet, pouring bucket-loads of definition into an already overburdened physique.  Somehow, this short, teenaged girl had a back wider than any two heavyweight male bodybuilders combined. 
    “Jesus!”  Maxwell yelled, the impossible image of this human muscle-machine sending him over the edge.
    Tanya was startled by a huge torrent of piping hot man-juice firing straight into her stomach.  A second blast quickly followed, then a third and a forth.  Within seconds, the boiling seed flowed up her throat and out her nose. 
    With a disgusting slosh, Maxwell pulled his giant fire hose out from the depths of Tanya’s stomach.   A huge tidal wave of cum immediately poured out of her mouth. 
    As the giant muscle girl belched up a reservoir of spunk, Maxwell continued to blast his load.  Strings of spunk landed on her huge pecs, covering her striated tits.  More of it dripped off her chin.  By the time it was over, Tanya’s tremendous upper-torso was covered in cum.
    Maxwell flopped down into his seat, exhausted.  He’d never blown a load like that in his life.  The sight of such a massive muscle-monster had made him cum like a champion.
    “So Mr. Maxwell…”  A soft voice cooed.
    The teacher looks up to see Tanya kneeling before him.  Thick strands of cum were oozing down her face and dangling from her chin.  The load on her chest was fast disappearing into her deep striations like a drainage canal. 
    TO his amazement, her hand had drifted to her crotch, where she had hiked up her skirt to reveal a saturated pair of cotton panties.  Maxwell watched her bring her wet fingers up to her mouth and suck the girl juice off them. 
    “Do you think you could change my grade now?”

    i want more i want more!!! great job… i very loved this story… maybe more about "LUNCH"

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