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KeymasterYes. There’s even a scene where her character physically overpowers her husband in bed. It’s hot.
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
KeymasterI’m about this lady’s age, and while I’d be hesitant to genetically modify myself I do lots of other less-permanent systemic modification to delay aging. I’m a supplement nut, I regulate my sleep and my exercise, and I do intermittent fasting. As far as I can tell from my reading, if someone keeps systemic inflammation under control, keeps their mitochondria healthy and keeps their physical strength and muscle mass, they’re likely to postpone senescence by a few decades.
I’m constantly struggling with joint issues from lifting and older sports injuries but that’s just what it is.
I’m very interested in what happens with Parrish but I’m happy to wait a few years before I follow in her footsteps. The telomere fix is interesting but I think most people die before they get anywhere near the Hayflick limit, so she’s probably being a little rash about that fix.
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
KeymasterMari Brennan certainly has the look and the build, but I think she’s very petite. Maybe she could be Wonder Girl.
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
KeymasterDM me if you still want a login to Brawna.
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
KeymasterThe downtime last weekend was me breaking something. Whoops.
I think the spammers got through Cloudflare’s filter by using a subdomain that wasn’t protected by Cloudflare, probably or Those weren’t real, they just took you to Amaz0ns via an unprotected route. Now they’re gone.
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
KeymasterOK, I increased the protection level for the whole site; also I may have found the vulnerability that let them in in the first place, so I closed it. Cross your fingers.
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
KeymasterI just deleted about 500 spam accounts, all registered in the last week. There are a couple things I’ve set up to block spam so I’m not sure how so many got through. I’m trying to figure it out.
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
KeymasterI think Kelcie Gahley goes up against Bailey on that episode.
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder
KeymasterWell, it’s Fred Perry. Kind of a legend.
FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder