Forum Replies Created
May 8, 2015 at 12:08 am in reply to: What Famous Fems would you add some serious muscle to if you could? #125684
Participantfor me,without doubt angelina jolie.
she great looking facial you can imagine her with some decent musclemass..oh yes….mario
Participanti could be wrong,but i have noticed that only the americans seem to win this contest.i think the last time someone outside of the u.s.won the olympia was 2000 ish,and 20yrs before that around 1981..just an obsrevation
Participantsorry i disagree period..jennefer leaves tetsuko by a mile..jennefer is all woman,and she doesnt look like a teengirl barbie..i suppose,shes blond,shes boobie,maybe that why shes popular..not my style
Participanti think your right about that that the one where she ends up in a prison,and dominates the inmates
Participantsorry,there is only one winner period..when you see a seriously musclebound woman beatdown 4 big musclebound guys,in armwrestling all at the same time.looking good whilst doing it..lifting a cage full of guys…squeezing a guy’s bicep down to the bone..making guys spent using her biceps…lifting guys up whilst they are lifting 315 pounds..doing dips on the parallel bars carrying a guy at the sametime..etc..for me its jennifer hardstone all the way..
Participantyou are not wrong about her body,wow.also there was a few girls in that same competition that was worth a look,i.e angelina cilicone,wow,check her out
Participantyou mind me asking,will the character,jennefer hardstone ever return?
Participantyour not the only not mate,i’ve just been browsing the lh art site on the free art gallery
.PLEASE take a look at gina the strongwoman.WOWand triple WOW :woohoo: mario
Participantyour not the only not mate,i’ve just been browsing the lh art site on the free art gallery
.PLEASE take a look at gina the strongwoman.WOWand triple WOW :woohoo: -