Forum Replies Created
Participantpretty neat collection
this un might be my favorite
ParticipantBlackKusanagi wrote:
Seeing some of those peoples replies in the thread is saddening.
I know, right?
Man, that’s the way it always is with people and games it seems. For whatever reason people have no problem with being able to morph male characters to insane proportions (thus being given more than enough room to create any number of awesome characters) but the same amount of creative freedom for female characters is reduced to a fifth of that. Don’t matter what game really. And the minute some one asks for a little more people assume the worst and flip shit
Hell, just look at the very first comment on that forum, it came out of nowhere and the thread is being continuously littered with similar comments, doesn’t matter that several users have commented that improvements on the customization would allow them to make better non-extreme characters resembling celebrities.
. . . *steps off soap box*. . .
but yeah, looks like a cool game… wish I had a good computer with seven gigs worth of space to get the demo
ParticipantI don’t see this gritty reboot lasting very long. On another super heroin it’d be cool, but Wonder Woman’s super powers has always been her kink. Everything about her look was that of an all american dominatrix (Bustier, high-heel boots, cuffs, she even brings her own rope). So much so that at one time her weakness was she’d lose her strength if someone tied her hands behind her back.
This new look takes all of that away, kinda giving her a more cowboyish look, which’d be cool if it were someone else.
Love the Big Barda pic btw
ParticipantThat is incredible, I could never imagine myself lifting the atlas stone