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  • in reply to: Wonder Woman again in Batman Brave and the Bold #103532

    Yup, that was the original episode she was in. Well if you don’t count seeing her from behind for about 3 seconds in a prior episode.

    We discussed it here http://amaz0ns.com/forum/Fandom–Nerd-Stuff/101206-Wonder-Woman-in-Batman-Brave-and-the-Bold

    in reply to: 1st look at the redesigned Thundercats #103252

    Yeah she was a giant compared to Leo, kept picking up on that myself.

    The show so far is pretty awesome. At first I thought it was supposed to be a Zelda-esque sequel to original Thundercats (same names by coincidence/fate for heroes, but the same Mumm-ra), but that last episode makes it seem more like a Gurren Lagann setting of rediscovering a lost past full of technology.

    I mean maybe it can still fit in if that’s their intention, as the flashback was “millenia” ago.

    But yes, thoroughly enjoying it. Had a Sword of Omens as a kid, and the new toy of it is infinitely better so may have to get it for shits and giggles.

    in reply to: More You tube maddness #103138

    That’s a great find…but…that was a show?

    Good lord that is the most cliche early 90s show I’ve ever seen

    in reply to: “Muscles” short film at Cannes #103017


    No word on where to see the whole thing. However, there are some stills

    in reply to: Gina Carano #102248

    Wow. That seems like it has too many biggish names. But with Gina in it, I’m morbidly curious.

    May be one of those movies you see while drunk though. Could be amusing at least.

    in reply to: Lady Firefighter Benching 315 lbs In Gym #102218

    Wow she’s a fire fighter, so she is an RL buff super heroine

    in reply to: Street Fighter X Tekken #102195

    Last time I checked, Poison was a transsexual in the States and a transvestite in Japan.

    Also they will probably have an alternate colour of her as Roxy from Final Fight, who IS a woman, so just choose that and forget about the possible trap!

    in reply to: Wonder Woman in Batman: Brave and the Bold #101386

    Well she’s bigger and bulkier than most female characters of the show in this scene. Also I guess the style of the show doesn’t really show off musculature so much

    in reply to: Wonder Woman in Batman: Brave and the Bold #101323

    khuddle wrote:

    I cant stand Batman the Brave and the Bold. Stories are boring, and the artwork is too simple, and the animation is weak.

    You sir are watching an entirely different show to me. Check out the episode “Chill of the Night!”, it’s fantastic,

    in reply to: Smallville with Lois gaining supermans powers #100687

    Don’t forget Dean Cain as some immortal prince who seduces ladies, and Teri Hatcher as Lois’ mother on an old video.

    Back on topic though, they had Lois with super powers, Supergirl, and Granny Goodness, and only one proper super strength scene (and two pushing people really far and breaking something).

    Captain Cold was in it though. So 5/5.

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