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ParticipantIt's going to be awhile before the Jen Walters She Hulk gets another shot at a series. Sorry, but that's the facts; a book generally doesn't get renewed right after a sustained plummet in the sales charts. Peter David's run on the book lost me after the third issue, and UWvH issue five and six were migraines sold as pulp fiction. How bad could it could a She Rulk be in comparison?
<ouch> That's sad but true. I guess it's a testament to the character that after her book tanked, they made TWO more She-Hulks.
I hold no hopes for Loeb's story in general, but hopefully the Red She-Hulk part will be fun. At least there will be a buff female character.
As for her identity, it does look like a shield uniform to me. The gloves aren't domino's, but are close to those of shield agent. And, the streaks in the hair remind me of Contessa Valentina Allegro De Fontaine (Nick Fury's GF and former Deputy Directory of Shield).
She was recently a Skrull captive, so might be prime for something like being the Red She-Hulk. I have no idea why someone with the Power of a Red Hulk would carry a weapon, and both Red Hulk and Red She-Hulk do so. But, someone who has trained and relied upon weapons all their life … might find it hard to give up.
But then, I've thought that the Red Hulk was Clay Quatermain from the start (#2 was Ross). Quartermain was on the heli-carrier when the Red Hulk appeared, and has the access that the Red Hulk has shown to have.
Certainly in the Domino shots, Red Hulk's alter ego seems to have spiky blond hair….