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  • in reply to: Batman v Superman new trailer with WW #126712

    I’m surprised that everyone’s ragging on Affleck.

    I haven’t even gotten started on him. My problem was mainly with Wonder Gal so far. I mean, in a world where we know what amazons really look like; Serena Williams, Hilary Knight, Hope Solo, Rhonda Roussey, Danyelle Wolfe, Mia Hamm, Cindy Phillips, Shannon Courtney, and Cory Everson. This isn’t the 50s where Audrey Hepburn a.k.a. Princess Gamine was burning up the movie screens. Tennis players don’t play in high heels anymore. The rest of the world has moved on yet Hollywood keeps shoving these same fashion models of yesteryear at us as over and over again as our women heroes.
    As a fan of WW I can only smh and wait for Marvel to cast someone as Captain/Ms Marvel (or maybe She-Hulk, no that’s too much to hope for) that actually looks like this generation’s women heroes. Which would mean the end of WW as the premier woman superhero as a new generation of women start equating their rl heroes with that (heretofore) hypothetical woman.
    We as a society must progress more equally in our representation of ourselves (and that includes women) in our arts as well as our athletic accomplishments. And that means Hollywood needs to catch up with ESPN! (I never thought I’d say that)

    in reply to: Muscle Fan Comics [Official Thread] #126683

    The artwork is very good!

    in reply to: Batman v Superman new trailer with WW #126682

    WW looks absolutely corny. Like something you’d see on a 90s TV show. 🙁

    in reply to: what sort of story would you guys like to read #126649

    A nerdy, shy female 100-pound weakling who undergoes intense training and turns into a 150-200 pound heel wrestler or gladiator.

    That would be a fun read.

    in reply to: Marvel Heroes get Nekkid! #126648

    Cool! Thanks. Those are awesome looking.

    in reply to: Diana Cast in Man of Steel 2 #126628

    [quote=”budoka_z” post=122666]Aside from it being a weird, it’s yet another photoshop making a woman look impossible, etc. Hawkeye Initiative that shit.

    Anyway, I mean, I never had faith because Man of Steel was a pile of wank and it’s the exact same people. I’ll still watch it though because I’m part of the problem, apparently, and there will probably be some interesting/fun bits I guess? Probably won’t see it at the cinema unless I have good reason to though

    Contrary to what Hollywood expects, you don’t have to watch the latest blockbuster. I don’t mean waiting for Torrent and stuff. Your life won’t change because you skipped out. When you’ve seen enough films in your life, you’ll know what you like and what you’ll pay for it.[/quote]

    Yeah! I’m not giving them any money to perpetuate the idea that women have to fit a fashion model mold to be beautiful.

    in reply to: reading material #126590

    The dark-haired Asian woman was short, yes, but every inch of that compact frame was filled out
    with large, chiseled muscles. It was a physique that Dana never would have even aspired to, yet alone
    achieve, even in her youth. The girl’s broad shoulders and powerful arms were bare as she raised them
    to the crowd and she wore a basic wrestling leotard, some kind of white-pink color the Dirty one
    couldn’t place, re-tailored a little to show off her six-pack abdominals. Past that, her ring gear was as
    basic as it comes: white knee pads and short short pink wrestling boots. The young woman lowered
    her arms and gave a bright, brief smile to the crowd as the ring announcer read the tale of the tape:
    “From Honolulu, Hawaii …. weighing 163 pounds … in her NCWL debut: the GIRL
    HERCULES …. Leilana Ito!”

    ]The Opening Bell

    And that’s just page 2 B)

    in reply to: Diana Cast in Man of Steel 2 #126589

    Incessant complaints on the side.

    Still going to watch it.

    :dry: Why? I might when it comes on Netflix or Redbox but that’s IF nothing else looks good that day.
    I’m genuinely curious and not trying ot be sarcastic.

    in reply to: women is comic #125309

    Thanks for finding that.

    in reply to: Have Cat, Will Travel #125308

    Rin Nakai?

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