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  • in reply to: Re: Request thread #5360

    resume: Hugo, Poison, and Alex

    Decided to try a sketch of it (very small sketch book I use at work). If you like it, I can do a bigger version later this week.

    And nice job on that Emma, Tonus.

    in reply to: New England Yeva #65475

    Despite the awesomely done AND colored pic, the nerd in me needs to ask… is this game like Mutants and Masteminds, or one of those old Marvel/DC games?

    in reply to: How big is too big #61225

    Unfortunately I would definitely say that there is too big.  Some of the art on this board I see as too big (artists names will not be mentioned) but that is entirely personal preference.  Since similar topics have been bought up before I can tell you that you will receive more than one person saying that the term "too big" is like blasphemy.  But I would say that giantesses bigger than a normal skyskraper is too big, Mini-giantesses should stop around 10-12 ft, and muscularity should not hinder movement.  The largest of DCM's Tetsuko pics is where I would prefer things stop (but those are my favorite pics of her =))

    *Rises hand*
    Guilty as charged. I simply enjoy the outrageously large, so big that the only thing helping the poor woman to move is her own super strenght, and to a level that I would not dare laugh.
    I'm aware that it's sometimes over the top for most people. I just like to go for broke πŸ™‚
    I'm not as interested in GTS as I am in MG, but I do enjoy some mixing sometimes.

    So, no, for me, there's no such thing as "too big" πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Cleaning time! #65082

    Whew, good thing I decided to log in  ;D
    Well, I did log some times in 2007, but I need to try to get more active anyway.

    in reply to: Debido’s update thread! Made possible by: lost post counts! #59718

    Awesome job, man πŸ˜€

    in reply to: I have returned! #59358

    Welcome back Matt boy πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Happy Birthday thread … #56019

    Wow, thanks guys  πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Worst Thing Ever #58394

    I think I saw that on Fur Affinity….. XD;;;;

    in reply to: Universal Wrestling Association Magazine- The HUGE Issue! #59368

    The UWA issue that you need to be a powerlifter yourself to be able to pick it up  πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Kelly Ripa growth sequence #56818

    It's pretty good for a first attempt πŸ™‚
    You could try cutting out the woman, animated only it, then past the background behind her. I read that trick on a website once.

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