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March 8, 2008 at 7:01 am in reply to: How to tell your Girlfriend/Fiancee/Wife about all this. #68060
Evan Stanley
ParticipantJust making sure – you completely understand that I don't think you're gay. I specifically was thinking of the SHAUN OF THE DEAD moment described earlier. I said "gay" because it's so obviously incorrect. 🙂
I never understood that "insult" personally. I'd put a female bodybuilder over, in say, a YouTube video.. and there will be some ignorant ass that replied with "Only fags would find this attractive" or "OMFG UR GAY!".
I'm looking at a muscular WOMAN. Not a muscular MAN. If I was gay, wouldn't I be looking at a muscular MAN?
And if I am gay, someone needs to inform my wife. She spent last night screaming at the top of her lungs with a charlatan, evidently. 🙂
Evan Stanley
ParticipantI just used some tax cash to set some money aside to sign up for Cindy's website.
You were right, its totally worth it. This site is amazing. For those of you that read my November To Remember story, November was modeled after Cindy. Now I have a whole host of images to use for her!
March 8, 2008 at 4:52 am in reply to: How to tell your Girlfriend/Fiancee/Wife about all this. #68058Evan Stanley
ParticipantNot the first time I've been called gay. Won't be the last. I would have been more offended to be accused of being a Democrat. 🙂
I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't comfortable doing so. But thanks for the concern. 🙂
March 7, 2008 at 8:57 am in reply to: How to tell your Girlfriend/Fiancee/Wife about all this. #68049Evan Stanley
ParticipantWhat Evan describes, and don't take offense to this buddy…
None taken. People on this forum are really the last people to get offended at the notion of having different tastes, amirite?
Evan Stanley
ParticipantIt has been a while since I read this story, and I'm again reminded why Smog's writing irritated me so much. This writer had a tendency to rip off other writers. Elements of Bigger is Better were stolen, almost verbatim, from The Power Company's Librarian series (part 5 in particular). One might argue that they were "re-imagined", but the way it's written, it's practically plagiarism.
Yeah, you're right. It is. Pretty blatantly, too.
As for the links requested:
*Lingster's: Will's Power
*The re-write of Power Juice X
*Mophenominals 1 and 2
#2:*Powerfemme 2: Birth of a Tigress
*Bigger is Better by Smog was covered in a prior post.
March 7, 2008 at 7:56 am in reply to: How to tell your Girlfriend/Fiancee/Wife about all this. #68047Evan Stanley
ParticipantWARNING! I am about to tell you totally factual and real events about myself!
I actually found this to be a tricky subject, and here are my experiences.
I was with a girl once I hid it from. For about 8 months. She eventually heard the terms "BE" and "FMG" and wanted to know what they were. She humorously poked me about it, and I caved in. She thought it was very interesting, almost fascinating. She actually started to take up weightlifting as a way to indulge and humor me.
But as time went on, she felt more and more inadequate. Like she'd never be enough for me. It hurt her feelings, and she cried over it at night sometimes. I felt very guilty. We broke up. It wasn't the reason we broke up, or even the top three… but it didn't help and I hurt her.
A wise person once told me later "Don't try to morph someone into that. Find someone that was already into it." I took that advice to heart. And I didn't date again. I wasn't exactly a gym frequenter. And I ruined my first real love. This was in 2001. It destroyed me. I would have feelings again for a girl for almost four years.
Then in 2005 I came home one night after work. I worked a swing shift, and was getting home around 10 or 11PM. We had a scheduled Werewolf: The Apocalypse session that night with me and my friends. They were already at the table in the bedroom were we grouped up to game. My friend Sean had brought his dorm-mate Tracy along that night (UNLV was across the street) out of boredom. I remember the first time I saw her. Something about her stuck with me. She came to the next three games. I walked her home twice. Then a few weeks later we were roleplaying. She had made a new Dungeons and Dragons character. She had never played before, so we all suggested Fighter. Cause any idiot can play a Fighter. She agreed, and rolled her stats. Her Strength wound up being 18/00. For those of you lacking the greek cred… that is the highest Strength you can possible start a game with. It means she rolled three 6 sided dice and got an 18, and then rolled a 1d100 and got a 100. Yes, the odds alone were staggering. So Arianna was born, the musclebound princess of a kingdom. I was playing a frost mage, an elven boy that was beyond hot for her. How could he not be? I was, and she was FICTONAL!
That night, everyone fell asleep while roleplaying. Eventually, the two of us were sitting close together. We wound up touching each other, even kissing while still acting in character. I finally broke character and whispered, foreheads touching to her and said "Does this feel real to you?". She said "Yes" breathlessly.
It began. I walked her home, and walked away from her dorm dancing to Shawn Michaels "Sexy Boy" them on my walkman. . After four years of hurt, I had feelings for someone. And I had the balls to accept it. The very next night, I was locked out of my apartment by my roomates on accident. I went across the street at almost midnight and went to see her. We wound up in the lobby of her floor. It was a long, emotional night for both of us. I broke down and cried. She cried. I told myself if I was going out, I was going out in a blaze of glory. I told her EVERYTHING. I told her my dream was to be wed to a big, strong Amazon that would me and take care of me forever. She held me and accepted it all. 100%. She wasn't turned off at all. It became her mission in life from that day forward to be everything I wanted her to be.
Its now 2008. We were married last November. She has a diary now where she records her bodybuilding measurements. She works out religiously. We have a little girl now, going on 2 years old we named Aurora.
We still have Aerik and Arianna, the alter egos that we braved to each other. Representations of ourselves that mirror our real life lives. We played them less as time went on, as our real life love felt more real, something we could feel and touch. I fall asleep at night now, lying on her breasts, caressing her biceps as she flexes them. She kisses me on the head before I doze. I've never slept comfortably anywhere but a couch before now.
I was honest and forthright with her from that night we wept in her college lobby. It was a major turning point for both us. Everything I've told you is 100% true, down to the last detail.. even if someone of it sounds like something you'd only read in a story. I cherish everytime we make love, talking about her growing bigger and how it turns her on. As a type this, we just made love for an hour… and I feel just as blessed under my powerful wife now as I did the night she swore to my mine forever.
Dreams can come true,
-Evan Snow-WolfEvan Stanley
ParticipantI'm stiull trying to understand why there would be anti-femuscle on a She Hulk board.
That's like buying a subscription to GUNS & AMMO and sending letters to the editor about all these firearms in the magazine!
March 3, 2008 at 5:05 am in reply to: Inside the Writers Studio: Substance-using Characters – Would you include one? #66181Evan Stanley
ParticipantIn general I think you'd want to be guided by what your character would do. If you are writing for adults, even in a morality play you want the characters to be realistic.
If your character is consumed with concerns of health, strength and endurance, consider:
a) "Would a person like that smoke?"
b) "Would a person that use a particular kind of drug?"So generally:
They won't smoke tobacco, unless they are really dumb.
They won't do drugs that they believe are harmful to the body.
If they are diabetic they will take their insulin.
They probably will take a ASA or acetaminophen if they have a headache.
They might take steroids, because they are thinking about short term benefit, not potential long harm.
They won't take crack or heroin because those drugs are quickly harmful to the body. Any short term bliss is quickly outweighed, in their value system, by the damage to the body.
I go along with the "heroes for children and teens should be squeaky clean" principle.
One could take morality even further: Superheros should have to earn their powers in some way.
Having superpowers arbitrarily granted discourages children and teens from the principle that achievements are the rewards for effort. (In the bodybuilding industry: no pain no gain.)
Buffy TVS is part way towards this. As a slayer, she is born with the potential, but you frequently see her training to turn that potential into reality. To me this is more moral than the original 1960s squeaky clean superman, who is super-powered simply by the accidental good fortune of being born Kryptonian. He didn't do anything to earn his superpowers.
Same deal with intelligence and money. Although a lot of the wealth in the world is inherited, if you are trying to promote morality, it is more moral to have your heroes earn for their wealth. Villains can inherit wealth.
I agree that it would require a lot of thought and a long plot to have a write a morality play describing some character putting in the effort to earn superpowers.
Of course the stories here are seldom morality plays, so this point about earning superpowers doesn't really matter.
Anyway, those are my opinions.
In the old days (pre-1970s), tobacco companies ensured that most heroes in films smoked. I've even seen characters smoking in submarines in the cheapest old WWII films. This was part of tobacco marketing. It drew away from making the character realistic.
Sadly, this sounds too much to me like the old idea that a strong work ethic and being a hard worker gets you ahead in life, which is blatantly false. Time and time again I've seen promotions and benefits handed out to those that shared a last name, or were close friends. Or people that kissed the most ass. In general the hardest workers tend to stay nothing more than grunts, cause they are good at it and management wants them there. Its the worthless brown nosers that go up the chain of command.
I've had far, FAR too many jobs were I worked ten times as hard to earn one-third the pay.
The moral? Shoulda started my own business.
Evan Stanley
ParticipantReally, I generally prefer more articulate commentary… Mostly because I'm greedy and like flattery and commentary but then, at the same time…
But you can't argue with Spock. I'm just sad my question to Deadly Pixxxie about what made the concept of the story being "border line award winning" may never be answered. Also that it didn't warrant a cigarette… should have put in more shoes…
Admit it. You're jealous Novmeber To Remember got a cigarette call for Pixxie. 😉
Evan Stanley
ParticipantThis is all I have to say about Prophet's new story: