Evan Stanley

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  • in reply to: Star’s Growth Envy & Taylor’s Trailers(NSFW) #67252
    Evan Stanley

    Your wish is granted!

    My thoughts are sent via personal message. Cheers.

    in reply to: Where does it start? #61767
    Evan Stanley

    Of course, any woman who is packed with muscle and or towers a few feet over me, I'm not going to argue with, she can call herself whatever she wants to.



    I'd add to never argue with Deadly Pixxxie, either, for any reason!

    I'll second that Amazon is 6 to 7 feet. For buff, I'd say its when her muscles begin to take on enough mass that they have a legitamate curve to show pronouncement. Busty is as soon as she exceeds DD cups.

    in reply to: Star’s Growth Envy & Taylor’s Trailers(NSFW) #67250
    Evan Stanley

    I bought Star's Growth Envy parts 1 and 2 yesterday.

    I wasn't dissapointed. It was pretty good! The vocalization made all the difference. If an FMG variant pops up with that kind of verbal encouragement (or even Orgasmic Growth type vocalization!), I'd be on it so fast, I'd put skid marks on my credit card!

    in reply to: Kristin Kreuk to play Chun-Li in new Street Fighter movie #64911
    Evan Stanley

    A little off topic, but which actress (or fitness/figure/bodybuilder) would be on the wishlist to play CAMMY, who was always the more overtly muscular…and according to some storylines, chemically strength-enhanced… female character?

    My first thought for an actress would be a Blade:Trinity-level Jess Biel, but she'd look like she could snap Kristin like a toothpick, so no dice there. In terms of fitness athletes, I'd be looking hard at Mindi O'Brien, even though Cammy would be cast younger.

    Any thoughts?

    Melissa Dettwiller!


    in reply to: November To Remember #67303
    Evan Stanley

    If i interpreted this correctly, a stargazer is like, a super-monk and Black Spiral Dancer is like this evil tribe?

    An over-simplification, but correct. If by "super-monk" you are thinking of the Karate Kid on crack and not Dragonball Z, and by "evil tribe" you realize that by "evil" we are talking about rape, torture, incest, pedophilia, necrophilia, slow painful vivisection….

    .. and then the really fun stuff they do on the weekends. Take whatever you happen to think evil is, take it the like the 3rd power, and you get these guys.

    in reply to: Kristin Kreuk to play Chun-Li in new Street Fighter movie #64906
    Evan Stanley

    Unless this movie is packing a 135 lb + Cammy, I'm not interested.

    in reply to: November To Remember #67301
    Evan Stanley

    I have no idea what a Stargazer or a Black Spiral Dancer are but I'm quite amenable to the prospect of more work from you.

    And I'd say that if there's CB in there… Pixxxie will probably have another ciggie on standby.

    Tribes of Werewolves, from the Werewolf: The Apocalypse role playing game, like the setting November is in.

    November is of a tribe called the Get of Fenris, descending from Norse and Greek blood, with muscular builds and a penchat for war.

    Stargazers are an introspective tribe akin to monks and philosophers, seeking wisdom and enlightenment and specialize in martial arts often.

    Black Spiral Dancers are the fallen tribe, corrupted into acts of pervsion and totally consumed by the entropic forces that threaten to devour the world.

    The 13 tribes of garou war with these forces that the Black Spiral Dancers joined.

    in reply to: November To Remember #67299
    Evan Stanley

    Wow, well if I have the Pixxxie seal of approval, and the Prophet's, is that encouragement for me to post my story about my Stargazer and his unlikely romance with a Black Spiral Dancer?

    (Contains: FMG, BE, CB, and some mild MC)

    *wonders if Pixxxie is back from her cigarette*

    in reply to: November To Remember #67297
    Evan Stanley

    I'm glad you approve Pixxxie. You're kind of a hero of mine. Your approval actually means a lot to me!

    in reply to: Shelley "Siren" Beattie (1968-2008) passed away #67327
    Evan Stanley

    Yeah, I hate to be the morbid one, but I'd also like to know the cause of death.

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