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ParticipantIt is simply astounding how much muscle she packs on her frame.
Simply unbelievable. Those are some of the sexiest legs and arms I have ever seen on a woman.
Totally sexy, totally hot.
Man. this gal has some epic guns on her.
ParticipantBummed out I could not go this year.
Can’t get any time off from work, and I am broke as a joke.
Got to meet Alina Popa last year. What a beautiful woman. Really charming, witty, and hot beyond anything I can truly comprehend.
Based on the picture above, Alina Popa has a true chance.
I can respect Iris Kyle, I have been near her, and she is massive, but she is not the complete package.
Alina has it all, muscle, symmetry, beauty, and a nice warm personality.
Iris Kyle looked she was was ready to kill anyone who wanted to compliment, or anything.
ParticipantCongratulations Jed,
It was only a matter of time that folks would notice your amazing work.
Hopefully you will sneak in some of that awesome female muscle that you are so good at.
I am very happy for you.
ParticipantMan, that innocent face, and that growing muscular physique is very attractive look on this young lady. She needs to keep growing…um, going.
ParticipantTina is such a Goddess. Beautiful woman. Would love to meet her again.
ParticipantWhat is this show called?
It is amazing that they made this gal very feminine. Very girlish voice, and face. Most of the time when Anime’s feature muscular women, they sound like men, and look even worse.
I really like the design of the show, but what the heck is this called? Can not find a name for this show.
Thanks for the find.
ParticipantFair argument. Funny enough I actually read Marvel Civil War last night. Sure the art in comics has gotten better, but the writing was kind of weak. Did not like it too much, characters seemed very one dimensional and unreasonable. I miss the older stuff, the older style. Looks like they have hired graphic designers that do not understand or probably never read comics back in the day.
ParticipantAbout the only good thing that I can say about JL:War is that it’s better than Flashpoint Paradox. The characters are weird and dumbed down parodies of their former selves, but Flashpoint Paradox will shrink your soul with its ugliness.
How is Justice League :War better than “Flashpoint:Paradox”? Flashpoint is probably my favorite DC animated movie besides Dark Knight Returns,Red Hood, and Wonder Woman. I love how dark it is. It is bad ass.
Wonder Woman in particular seems particularly unintelligent, though she does get to slay dozens of identical parademons. The big bad is Darkseid, who here is written as being more or less the same as Doomsday with less brains.
Everyone in this movie is essentially stupid or a jerk, for the exception of Batman and maybe the Flash.
I have all but completely lost interest in DC, and no longer really consider myself a fan.
This movie was your breaking point? There must have been other DC stories that pissed you off. No?
ParticipantWhat battle scenes? They keep fighting the same generic looking para-demons again and again.
Having Shazam was a mistake, he is essentially the same as Superman. Two muscle bounded, similar flying power houses on the same team. Would have preferred AquaMan, or Martian Manhunter.
ParticipantJust bought this, been seeing the DC Animated movies for years now. Justice League War kinda sucks. Everyone except for Batman and maybe the Flash comes of as arrogant, idiotic and a punk. I have never seen Superman act like such a douche. Billy has no integrity and when he is Shazam he is even more of a punk. Wonder Woman is very one dimensional, but at least she has nice shoulders. Green Lantern comes of like a bitch, and Cyborg a bitch with metal parts. Not a fan of this, and if this is the new 52, as mentioned by someone earlier, I am not missing anything either.
As for the animation, it is weak. Weak writing, it sounds like a kid wrote script, and the voice casts sucks. There is a reason why Kevin Conroy usually does Batman, unfortunately he does not do the voice in Justice League War.
DC’s previous animated flicks are lots better. The last movie I saw, Flashpoint was awesome, Justice League: War is very disappointing and I should have read more reviews. This kinda sucks, I hope the features are better. Disappointment.