Forum Replies Created
ParticipantJust wanted to mention an artist has been found. You may be familiar with him: Femforte Fan. He's sent me some absolutely incredible drafts which I may post (although they're very sexual in nature — not sure if that's permitted on this board). Let me know if you guys are interested in seeing a couple. 🙂
I was going to suggest him! Honest!
And yeah, as one of his biggest fans I'd like to see anything he draws for you even rough drafts.
Just wanted to make sure everyone knows that FFF has continued to update his Yahoo group and that the Super Lucy comic is now up to 30 pages with plenty more to come!
Check it out!
ParticipantWow! Another great pic!
But I don't know if I have the patience to wait for more… ::) 😉
I mean I certainly wouldn't wait for oh I don't know… let's say… more than a year. 😛
Have an awesome day!
UncleSL was the guy who introduced me to FemmeForteFan and if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have made the Jane the Jungle Goddess comics. Glad to see he's back!
ParticipantAnother reason for Tony "King of Dickwads" Stark to die in the most horribly painful manner possible.
Well just recently in "The Mighty Avengers" he was transmogrified (it's a technical term) into a female Ultron and it looked quite painful… YAY!
Thought I'd chip in here and say a few things.
First off, great work FFF, the art is really great and you're putting it out fairly quickly too.
Secondly the sex is in the comic because it was requested to be in the comic.
Thirdly there is no thirdly.
IV. The blue wire.
Ok I hope that answers everyones questions for now. Keep it coming FFF.
ParticipantAnother awesome page!!
I hope you can keep a steady pace FFF, because I can hardly wait for what's coming up.
Oh and by the way, my estimate of 72 pages may be a bit off. FFF is condensing the comic a bit, but he hasn't left anything important out so no worries. This just means we'll get to the other growth sceneS and action faster. Yay!
ParticipantJust curious, but what is/was the "right moment" to re-surface?
The "right moment" to re-surface is when the surface has worn out and needs to be replaced i.e. "re-surfaced". I thought that would have been obvious. ::)
Now back to the main topic… FFF is AWESOME! I can't get enough of his artwork!
ParticipantHowdy… from the graaaaaaaave!
I've been lurking about waiting for the right moment to re-surface. But I overslept and missed that perfect moment so I'll just pop up now.
I hope everyone enjoys the comic that FFF is giving away for free, he's gonna put a LOT of work into it before it's all done. Partly because he's a hard working guy but also because the comic weighs in at a record breaking (for a FMG Comic) 72 (SEVENTY TWO) pages (with an option to continue for a bit more after that if FFF ain't dead by then)!!!! If for some reason you don't like the story then blame me or Lucy, FFF is just the insane guy we got to draw the thing. And if FFF is your favorite artist then be on the look out for "Jane the Jungle Goddess 2", which was also drawn by FFF, coming to a web site near you soon. It's a massive 45 colored pages (I like everything BIG) and is also FREE.
This shall be the year of FFF… deal with it.