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  • in reply to: Cindy Phillips #31262

    Thanks man.  Feeling better all ready. 

    in reply to: Cindy Phillips #31259

    How do you know?

    I found an old website with her height on it from when she first started out.  I printed out the page, but can't find the web site or the printed page since.  Just want to be sure of the numbers.

    Yes, it is correct.

    in reply to: Cindy Phillips #31258

    yeah, she can pack those muscles on.  I know of the photo of her in the off season you speak of.  Is it the one where she in here kitchen in shirts and a white t-shirt.  That a great photo!!

    in reply to: Cindy Phillips #31253

    I saw on line in an old article.  That Cindy Phillips is 5 foot 1 inch tall.  Does anyone know if that true?  Or if you have met her in person is she that tall?

    in reply to: Cindy Phillips #31252

    yes, that is true.  They can add more mass to a smaller area and get faster results!

    in reply to: Cindy Phillips #31250

    I read on-line that Cindy Phillips is 5 foot 1 inch tall.  Does anyone know if that is true or not? 

    Anyone ever meet her in peson?

    in reply to: Gamma pt.1 #70717

    nice-don't forget to give her HUGE nipples

    in reply to: Human Form Cylons Women-how strong are they? #70725

    I am fimilar with the Star Trek Khan reference, but not the other one.  According to the offical star trek info guide the Augments are this much better than normal humans:

    These Augments were five times stronger than the average person, their lung efficiency was 50 percent better than normal, their heart muscles were twice as strong, they possessed remarkable agility, and their intelligence was double that of normal Humans

    I think the cylons-humans are not as strong or fast as the Augments.  As for intelligence.  There brains are basically organic computers.  So who knows about that?

    I think he cylons would want them to be better than normal humans but not at the expensive of brain power. Rember, computers what to be better than normal humans.  Not super humans.  Just better.

    How much better are those others guys than, than normal humans?


    in reply to: Human Form Cylons Women-how strong are they? #70723

    Thanks for reminding me of that.  Was that not when Baltar was on the base ship a couple of seasons ago?  But than again Baltar not that big of guy and he never works out either. All brain no muscles.  And in real life Number 6 is 5 foot 10 inches tall.  So she pretty strong to start with also. 

    Speaking of Number 6.  You every notice she the only one who "hulks out" and use her superior strength on the normal humans?  Expect, for when the final 5 women.  The President aid keeps beating up other women.  Maybe that a "design defect" for the 6.  They have anger problems. 

    You also notice that Boomer.  Never uses her superior strength.  She uses her brain and superior stimina to get the job done. 

    in reply to: Muscular Waitress Revisited. #66860

    And she has some chest size also.

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