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ParticipantMy fascination with growth stuff has been around as long as I can remember. I liked it even when I was a small child.
I think my first exposure to it was Alice in Wonderland and it brought about my first fantasies about it. My Mom bought me the tape and even though I had never been through puberty before, I got extremely excited watching the growth scenes. It was so intense to me that I couldn't watch the movie in front of my parents without feeling deep shame. Instead, I hid it away in my room and rewinded the growth scenes over and over whenever I got the chance to watch it secretly.
I've had an obsession with Alice since then with her blonde hair and blue apron dress costume. I fantasized about her back then and I still fantasize about her now. And when I see a blonde haired woman dressed up in her outfit or a picture of her, my heart tends to pound really hard, even if it has nothing to do with growth stuff.
I also remember seeing the Muppet's version of Alice in Wonderland where Brooke Shields played Alice. I loved the scene where she was in her little dressing room, sitting down with her head against the ceiling. I like to fantasize about her being in it (normal size) and growing until she bursts through the room. I did that all the time as a little child. I love when girls grow in tiny rooms that they wind up not being able to fit in after awhile.
Someday I plan to write a fan-fic that is an erotic growth fetish and breast expansion version of Alice in Wonderland. I already have lots of ideas for it from my many fantasies over the years.
ParticipantI think it would go better as a sub-con instead of a dedicated con. I can't imagine a large enough crowd that will attend it. Unless the people going can grow to 50+ feet tall and fill in the con space. ;D
Seriously though, maybe a growth attraction / panels / cosplay in a Sci-Fi con may be better and will work better to bring people out of their closets.
I would be less likely to go if it was part of something else because there's all those people around you that can judge you.
Participant… Let me get this straight. You told your boyfriend you might be bisexual… and he was worried about it?! I'm gonna quote George from Sienfeld on this one: "Are you crazy?! This is like discovering Plutonium…by accident!" If my girl sat me down and said she had something important to say, and it turned out she might be bisexual, I wouldn't tell her I was worried. I would be doing everything humanly possible from jumping in the air (doing a quick freeze frame) and then dance around for 4o minutes doing the happy dance.
Welcome to this world Hadassa, and please ignore the signs that say don't feed the WeirdWolf. ;D
Haha. I know a lot of guys are like you or so I have heard.
But not my boyfriend. He is very "moral" and "uptight" about sexual stuff (especially sexual orientation), which is why I found it weird that he was okay with my fetish, but was worried that I might be bisexual. He only disliked that part.
ParticipantI really wish I could go to something like this. I mean several other fetishes have their own conventions, why shouldn't we have one?
And to see all that merchandize (hopefully a lot of videos) that would be available for me to buy. O_O That would be heaven.
But yea, in a dream world its perfect, but I read on Wikipedia that people with our fetish are usually the most shy of anyone to tell other people about it. It is extremely embarassing. And even in a safe enviroment like that, I think a lot of people would still be scared to talk about it or even come.
ParticipantI think I have the same limit syberstyk has.
Although, I read a story where the woman's breasts got a lot bigger than that and it was still sexy, but that was just an exception.
ParticipantHi. I am new too.
AlexG: Geocities and tripod deleted your sites? That's depressing, since I was thinking of making one of my own. I wouldn't want to go to all that work to have the whole thing disappear suddenly.
ParticipantWell, I hope its okay to reply to this. I am a girl, but I don't like muscle growth really. ^_^;;;; It has to do with that whole not being feminine thing you were talking about. I feel like it ruins their beautiful figures.
But I do love watching them being violent and destructive. Its very sexy.
Its also a relief to me to read some other girls who like similar things to me. I've always felt like a freak for having my weird fetish, especially since Wikipedia says that its predominantly a fetish found in males.
And it has always confused me. I prefer watching girls grow, I think. (I haven't really watched much guys do it, so I am not sure.) And yet I am perfectly straight outside of that.
I used to wonder for awhile if I liked watching the girls grow and it aroused me because I wanted to be them, but I finally figured out that wasn't it. (I'm sorry. I know you'd prefer it if I did.) I actually have an obsession with making friends with people who are a lot taller than me. I don't know, it just makes me feel good to be the smallest person I know. So I know I don't desire to be this giant destructive woman.
So I guess its some sort of attraction I have to them. I don't know if that makes me bisexual (that has sort of confused me.) I told my boyfriend about my fetish actually and he was a little worried that I was bisexual and that depressed me.
(Oh and hi, I am new, this is my first post. XD)