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Hugh G. McAbslover
ParticipantOr you could just bypass the shitty stream mate site and go to and find all the best muscle girls on cam! đ
Hugh G. McAbslover
Participantnot really digging the outfit, and yeah the terrible idea is probably terrible, but I appreciate the mass on the girl. Is it supposed to be a girl that uses venom? the costume evokes thoughts of his “costume” in my mind. Anyway thanks for sharing
Hugh G. McAbslover
ParticipantI knew it wouldn’t happen but I was hoping for Stana Katic. Eastern European blood and Mediterranean looks, has almost the right height and has the curves. Also she would look good with some muscle to her. Unfortunately I know her obligations to Castle probably kept her out of the running.
Hugh G. McAbslover
ParticipantCharacter backstories werent very convoluted in YJ since they used the current bios of said characters before the new 52
TTG is way sillier than regular Teen TitansActually the show creators even admitted that they weren’t using any standard bios and were calling it a separate universe. its how they rationalized that the team wasn’t actually the real young justice and it wasn’t really the teen titans either. its how they could somehow randomly say that arrowette or artemis or whatever the hell was huntress’s daughter. but you are correct it didn’t have anything to do with new 52.
I think teen titans go is pretty darn funny actually, I mean it has bad episodes like everything else but I think they successfully achieved what they were trying to accomplish.
Explain to me how the network’s active attempts to kill the show are a strike against the show itself.
because you don’t know if that was the fault of dc or cartoon network or warner, they’re all the same thing so in my opinion its a strike. If it were disney network moving a DC show around on their network doing it then yeah I’d buy your theory
Hugh G. McAbslover
ParticipantAshlee you’ve actually answered your own questions. the link you showed that is the list of the muscular females actually tells what anime they are from in the profiles, from cutey honey to natsuki crisis. they are all on there. most of them are 15+ years old though so I wouldn’t be surprised if you haven’t heard of most of them.
Hugh G. McAbslover
Participantno, I asked her, she definitely said this year, I just can’t remember if it was october or november
Hugh G. McAbslover
ParticipantAllright, if y’all are gonna hate on teen titans go, I’m gonna hate on young justice. It wasnt that great a show people, It was convoluted, it had questionable voice talent. It didn’t have a solid release schedule or time slot. And it was constantly constantly too dark for what was its intended audience. it was easily darker than both batman TAS and justice league, and justice league had some dark shit in it. not to mention many of the back stories for characters didn’t make a lick of sense. hell, a couple felt like they were coming from a fan girl doing a self insertion fanfic. It was cancelled because the ratings for it stunk people. get over it.
And as for teen titans go. this is the same crap I heard about the original titans cartoon when it came out. its cute and its funny if you have a silly sense of humor and its actually good for its target audience. “waaaahhh, waaaaahh they took away my show and put on another one in its place” yeah, like that’s never happened before.
I was more sad that green lantern was cancelled, but I didn’t consistantly watch it so have no one to blame but myself for that one.
And to pull all this back to fmg in cartoons
Uzi, to answer your question the picture is from season 2 episode 1 of young justice, batgirl and wondergirl are fighting ugh I forget his name, moomba or bobo or something like that, he’s the alien bounty hunter who rides the space motorcycle and looks like a cross between a bodybuilder, a clown and a member of KISS……. LOBO that’s it! I knew it would come to me.
I always hoped they’d put shehulk in avengers earth’s mightiest heroes and give her a growth scene, but sadly it was cancelled before they did anything with her. I tend to doubt they’ll do it with the hulk and S.M.A.S.H. series but hey, fingers crossed. Her growth in the episode of the 2005 fantastic 4 was good and of course her one in the 90’s hulk series actually showed abs. woot woot.
There was an episode of kim possible with a muscle ring, I kept hoping either kim or she-go would have needed to put it on at some point. again, didn’t happen. *sniffle* I’m sure there are others that didn’t happen that I wanted to, but I can’t think of any. I did want to see something retardedly muscular happen to a woman who took titan in arkham asylum/city. Sadly no. At least they had it in the comic versions, arkham unleashed I believe they are called.
Anywho, enjoy my banter
Hugh G. McAbslover
ParticipantI’m not any kind of an Iris fan, I don’t like her look and I don’t like her bod nor to I care for her square jaw. I agree they just give her the prize because more than once I have seen her come in watery and they still give it to her.
As for top 6, I think what will happen is 1. Iris, 2. Yaxeni, 3 Debi, 4 Alina 5 probably cathy then maybe 6 will be rita just so the judges can mix it up a little.
what I would LIKE to see is
1. Alina or Yaxeni 2 (whoever doesn’t get 1) 3 Maria Rita 4 Jenn (has she officially changed her name?) 5 ehhhh I guess I don’t really care bout this one, anne maybe? 6 Jaunita I guess?
Hugh G. McAbslover
Participantshe still does webcam, she has a facebook page and a twitter I believe. She’s prepping for a show in november as I recall. Also she has her own website so thats where most of her new material is.
Hugh G. McAbslover
ParticipantMissy is indeed very pretty, but she’s only 5’6″ which is a bit short for my tastes. I don’t think you can feasibly get anyone under 5’9. if you do everyone will start throwing out all the names we’ve heard before. hallie berri, (which is dumb) jessica biel, (even dumber) the list goes on. No you need someone that it intimidating by height as well as muscularity. Missy would make a good artemis though. or one of the other amazons. Good article Alex. I think more than anything cinema suffers from a lack of the understanding of what makes good cinema, maybe if they bring in all the people who made the wonder woman animated film (which I own and is extremely good) then they’ll be able to make something happen. But from what I’ve seen, with the last 3 movies to come out from DC, they need to re-learn what makes a good movie. Green lantern sucked, Dark Knight rises I think sucked, but some of you might think was passable, and from what I hear superman got mixed reviews at best. And of course if you ignore the big hit of The Dark Knight (which while good, did have issues) you go back to catwoman which as I said before, sucked, and not because it was a female lead like the folks at DC will tell you, it sucked because it had a bad plot and bad directing. People apparently need to go back to film school and look at what makes a good movie before they add all the high tech CGI fluff. Go back and watch casablanca you tools, That movie has about 3 special effects in the entire film and yet its still exciting as hell.
ok I’ll quit soapboxing.