Forum Replies Created
Michael Pouliot
ParticipantPlease help ID this lovely lady. Thx.
Michael Pouliot
ParticipantXenophobia is not the same as blind patriotism. Xenophobia implies fear and is typically directed at immigrant culture.
And I didn't use that word, you did. Nationalistic tendencies are just as strong between neighbors.
And the World Cup is identical. It puts national honor ahead of sports. If you want to argue my point, then argue it.
And my rant is not directed at the athletes themselves. The sportsmanship that the athletes show is irrelevant to the argument. It is how the athletes are heralded and embraced by their home nations as an example of how that nation is better than other nations is what I'm attacking.
Michael Pouliot
ParticipantI don't think the Olympic spirit is that of rampant nationalism
You're apparently watching a different Olympics than I am. In the Olympics I watch…
* Every other story is about China using the Olympics as a springboard for legitimizing their state as being worthy of sitting at the head table with other top nation states.
* Every summary of the Olympics includes a count of which nation states won how many medals.
* Every event highlights which nation states are competing against each other, where the athletes themselves are almost secondary to the nation states they represent.This is of course true in most other forms of International competition, where the World Cup is the other most blatant example outside of the Olympics of extreme nationalism dominating the sport.
In all team sports, there is a level of "homerism", where loyalties to teams are based on regions. With sports leagues that exist within a nation state, its mostly "my city is better than your city". That level of loyalty doesn't rankle me anywhere near as much as patriotic nationalistic loyalty. Why? Well nationalistic loyalty is much more reflective of political realities than metropolitan loyalties, and the political crossover further segregates, not unites, disparate individuals.
None of this rant is meant to disparage individual accomplishments. Only the stage on which those accomplishments are achieved.
Michael Pouliot
ParticipantThe whole event isn't deserving of anyone's respect. It cannot be attacked enough. The perpetuation of nation state worship makes me ill. "My country is better than your country!" BAH…
Even worse this year is the gross spectacle that was the opening ceremony. I caught a few minutes of it, and the fawning over it by the NBC announcers almost made me physically ill. Yeah, it's easy to expend 10x more on a ceremony then Athens did when you're a totalitarian state whose subjects have no real say.
And then of course there's the whole "natural athlete" charade, with swimmers in $632 swimsuits. What a joke.
Michael Pouliot
It's this type of crap that makes your run-of-the-mill libertarian distance themselves as far as they can from Lew Rockwell and his minions. For every reasonable piece of analysis out of LR and friends there's another giant turd like this.
Anyhow, regarding the topic, set the physical/mental performance bar and stick to it. I don't see why sex has anything to do with it. Someday, well have a Starship Troopers (the movie) styled military where men and women troops shower together, fight together, and fuck together, and don't think twice about ancient outdated notions of chivalry.
Michael Pouliot
ParticipantOK, this is probably more info than you would like but you mentioned genetic testing and there just happened to be a related article today in a fairly respectabel newspaper…
It's title is "Enhanced Athletes"Wow. Someone who almost gets it. This whole "natural" illusion can't be discarded soon enough. It's a complete joke.
Too bad the author turned chickenshit when it came to steroids:
Steroids are decidedly not on this list of innovations. That's because they are synthetic drugs that can radically alter the chemical make-up of a competitor's body.
Oh, so they're not on the list because they are so damn effective? If you read the whole article, you'll see the author doesn't piss all over the idea of athletes who seek to change their genetic material.
So changing your genes is OK, but altering your chemical makeup is not? The level of cognitive dissonance simply astounds me. It's a shame really to see someone make such a reasoned argument but then go OMG STERIODS! and go back to towing the party line.
Almost pisses me off more then the "they must be NATURAL" crowd.
Michael Pouliot
ParticipantMelissa has been doing a good job updating her blog. Check out the latest post from 8/2, which has a wonderful picture of her and Tina Cross as well as a biceptacular video of the two of them doing straight bar curls together. Oh baby!
Michael Pouliot
ParticipantFYI – FFF continues to make updates. Pages 38/39 are the latest.
Michael Pouliot
ParticipantEXCELLENT! Much obliged. ;D
Michael Pouliot
ParticipantI think you underestimate a lot of us. Speaking for myself, I am more than capable of seeing FBBers as interesting people with full personality and not just a body.
I don't doubt that you can. But that's not the point. This board is not about general social coffee talk. It's about FMG/GTS/FBB fetishes. Sure, there's a chit-chat "Free For All" thread. But that is not a focal point of this forum.
So I'll ask again, why would a FBBer want to participate in this forum? I don't think it's at all relevant that some (maybe even most) members of this forum would treat them courteously. They can get courteous treatment at any number of places. So why participate here?