Forum Replies Created
Michael Pouliot
ParticipantI'd like to say I could use this type of body more often but I can't, it's still not extremely well accepted in this market.
She's practically a toothpick. If she's an outlier, it's a testament to how far outside of the mainstream fit ladies remain.
Michael Pouliot
ParticipantOddly, I remember reading that story. And I remember thinking that it was pretty good, too, although the ending seemed a bit… abrupt?
It's very abrupt. Endings are hard. Just ask Stephen King, who sucks at it.
The problem with that statement is that your previous posts lump all the writers in the FMG/GTS genre in with fetish writers and don't allow for the possibility that some of the writers may not, in fact, be writing with that specific style or goal in mind.
In pretty much all situations there are outliers. There are no absolutes. That's something I expect to be generally assumed.
It is not at all common in this genre for people to solicit requests with the intention of primarily pleasing the solicitor. That's shown by the content available vs. the near absence of solicitation on forums such as this. Oh sure, there's plenty of people that ask for stuff, but how often are these requests satisfied, particularly when they deviate (there's that word again) significantly from the tastes of the artist? Unpaid artists create work for their own pleasure. Part of this pleasure may include positive feedback from others. But it is only the outlier who will create something that deviates from their own tastes simply for the satisfaction of another.
Note that this group of outliers does not include those who derive a greater pleasure from satisfying others over satisfying themselves. These artists are also creating primarily for their own pleasure, although the derivative source of their pleasure is the satisfaction of others. These artists are less common, but they still fall under my categorization of create for personal pleasure.
Michael Pouliot
ParticipantWhat have you written and why?
Tailored to my own tastes. Written because I wanted to try my hand at it. Shared because I wanted to contribute to the community I participate in.
And I haven't written anything else because it is too time consuming and I have other priorities.
Michael Pouliot
ParticipantAllow me to take a moment to be irritated at your crass and insensitive attitude.
Take all the time you want.
That's arrogance to the nth degree.
And when I talk about you specifically, maybe you'll let me know. I was making a generalization. But if you prefer, I'll rephrase it as: The primary motivation of your typical unpaid creator of fetish material is their own pleasure. Although they may consider the feedback of their audience, typically audience feedback is on a minor motivating force.
So are you going share with the rest of us your "full intentions" to counter what I said above?
I've wanted to give up and not continue drawing the animation many times, but I felt obligated to the fans to finish what I started.
I would consider that rather unusual. Not in a bad way, but simply in a way that is a few deviations (pardon the pun) from the norm.
Michael Pouliot
Participantit IS unrealistic to expect a better diversity UNLESS people demand it- and reward it when it happens.
Reward it how? More "Great job!" posts? Bah. People don't produce fetish content for anyone's pleasure but their own.
Michael Pouliot
ParticipantI don't think it's really unrealistic to ask for stories to be a little more finely crafted.
Ask all you want. My point is that it's unrealistic to expect a better diversity of output than has been historically produced.
The main problem, if it IS a problem, is that there seems to be a real decline in well-written stories of a less (note I don't day non-) sexualized nature.
I don't share that viewpoint. I don't think the ratio of XXX to Soft Core to Non-Sexual FMG/GTS output is any different now than 3, 5, or 10 years ago.
Michael Pouliot
ParticipantI don't think the question is whether the XXX material has recently appeared.
That was her specific question.
There should be more stories that focus less on the sex and on the other aspects. There's too many sex monster stories, where's the diversity?
Again, my point is that it should be completely unsurprising that fetish subject matter is dominated by sexualized material which skews towards XXX. Particularly when the fetish is combined with the Internet, where identities are relatively anonymous, and thus the willingness to generate explicit material is increased. And then combine it with the fact that contributors are unpaid. Is it really that surprising that the body of unpaid, anonymous contributions to a fetish genre skew towards material which sexually arouses the contributor?
Even your own material is soft core sexualized. The outgrowth of clothes and the exposure of nakedness is soft core eroticism. Yes, it's not XXX, but it's still R.
You and Deadly Pixxxie are pining for a situation that simply isn't realistic.
Michael Pouliot
ParticipantThe n00bs are all "get over it, it satisfies a fetish".
Ah yes, because I don't have a quadrillion posts, I'm a n00b.
Go ahead, survey the story archive on DtV, and show me that XXX material is some sort of recent trend.
It's not. It's been a significant part of the genre for as far back as I'm aware.
Michael Pouliot
ParticipantI don't see it. There's almost always a sexual component to FMG/GTS stories, primarily because the genre satisfies a fetish. To expect otherwise is unrealistic.
May 28, 2008 at 7:28 pm in reply to: What Famous Fems would you add some serious muscle to if you could? #57108Michael Pouliot
ParticipantThe ever unbias Daily Mail dubs Madonna THE INCREDIBLE BULK!
Speaking of Madonna, I hope everyone caught a glimpse of this backside shot of her. Rather impressive definition considering her age.