Forum Replies Created
Participantwell if I ever won the lotto and could afford to host my own fbb contest and expo, the name would definitely have to be The Abbye Stockton Classic without a doubt ;D
Participantwow 10 years is a long time but it sounds like you are handling this battle to the best of your ability, I wish you the speediest recovery as humanly possible, you are a true female warrior and I would have no problem training alongside you in the gym 🙂
Participantawesome take on She-Hulk, very witty writing to go along with the artwork too lol
Participantwell I wish you a speedy recovery asap, day by day, and I'm glad to hear you going back to the gym, eating the right foods along with consistent exercise can only help you in the long run 🙂
ParticipantI think we don't get to see enough of her in the offseason, I love that look, cpbell has the best avatar 😛 off season, she is second only to Gina Davis IMO
Participantwow thats alot of hits, keep up the excellent morphing work jdm 🙂
Participantyeah I hear ya but considering more than half of the women in the calender autographed it I cant complain at all 🙂
ParticipantI just recieved mine in the mail yesterday, I am happy to be able to hang some female muscle on my wall for the new year, some of these lovely ladies were even kind enough to autograph the calender 🙂 well worth 17 bucks
Participantyeah if Chi Chi and Bulma were that huge in the dragonball z anime, they could have easily defeated frieza, cell and maijin buu all at once with no problem 😮
ParticipantI wish her the best in her future endeavors 🙂 and I am grateful to have seen such a female muscled phyisique