magnus knight

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  • in reply to: Orgasmic Growth Trailer #59662
    magnus knight

    bwa chica bwa baw

    Thats guitar speak for hot and awesome. 


    in reply to: What type of footwear to wear when growing #59157
    magnus knight

    Is it bad that one of my considerations when I buy shoes is how I would look growing out of them?

    I could describe just about any type of footwear in minute details what growing out of them would look like, probably sound like, and if I really stretched the old brain feel like. 

    I think about these things more often then I should, anybody should really.  Not just shoes, clothes, costumes, in all types of places and situations. 

    Am I insane?  πŸ˜› Maybe just a wee bit touched in the head.

    anyways its all good.


    in reply to: Amazing She Hulk Transformation Video!! #58887
    magnus knight

    I recognize at least 4 different clips tossed in there, including that one growth one that just came out (can thank that one for that shoe bursting bit). 


    The way its edited and put together is awesome.  It was sexy and funny. (just like me  ::) )

    Nice job.


    in reply to: What not to wear when growing #25285
    magnus knight

    and the heels I don't know 99% of the time I wear them is at work so maybe I have some pent up negativity from that.

    Wearing them at work isn't negative.  I say just imagine growing at work. It's the perfect remedy for job dissatifaction, perks up boring days while on the clock, and shows that boss whose really in charge that nobody likes.  ;D

    in reply to: What not to wear when growing #25280
    magnus knight

    Do I need to start a shoe growth topic?

    I mean I will if needed, but that may be a bit much.

    I'm gonna go abit againist the grain and say heels I thought about them when I wore them, but I'm sorry I just don't see it, maybe some with some straps.

    Also loose skirts hate wearing them, in fantasy or reality, jewerly ouch. 

    Loose skirts? But if they start off loose there is the joy of feeling them become tighter. Though any skirt style could work. 

    Heels? What about the fun of when they burst or break and yet you are still just as tall, if not taller.

    But that's just me though, and since I've never worn a skirt or heels, can't really say if my input counts for too much, but I'll continue to use skirts and heels in my stories.  They're just such fun to describe.

    in reply to: Question for the ladies #57267
    magnus knight

    She might be pissed off, but I might be too.  πŸ˜‰

    You should leave it up to the ladies wether they want their clothes to grow with themor not, or how much of their clothes does. 

    Also some more setting info could be useful. Is it a yard in the city, or a rural area?

    Anyhow, I'll be looking foreward to see the answers that you'll get for this one. 


    in reply to: One Shot #54411
    magnus knight

    good, very good.  The way you describe the growth, it almost flows from your mind onto the page.  Not totally descriptive, but still visually well wrote.  Nice job indeed.


    in reply to: How many/Why women like clothes bursting growth #53414
    magnus knight

    Hi, Magnus.  πŸ˜‰

    Well, this is a fine way to lure me out…  πŸ˜€

    Well….I guess the only way to explain it….is to rehash an old story of mine.

    …..I'd have to say it involved a rather…bad time in my life. I had just gotten thrown out of my parent's house and was couch surfing and staying with friends. To make matters worse…I was having my growth spurts, so my clothes weren't exactly fitting well…including my shoes. So as a result, I had to borrow my friend's mother's shoes….those old lady-ish looking nurse type lace up shoes.

    Not exactly the most fashionable look for a teenaged girl, let me tell you.  πŸ˜€

    Because…my pants were above my ankles and I had gnarly looking shoes and I was always fussing with my brassiere and I was really tall and I had what the other girls called a "weird ass accent from some European place", some of the preppier girls tended to pick on me. My friend and I were walking through the lunch room when one of the girls tripped me and I went nose first into the floor. Then one the other girls stole my lunch and threw it away. So I went to nurse's office, got cleaned up and got on with my day…but I was fuming….livid…. beyond angry. In algebra class (and it's always a math class isn't it?), I just started having this elaborate daydream about how things would have been different if I had some kind of super-power…like super speed or the ability to stop time…or if I was super strong….yeah…th at's it!! And from there…the fantasy flourished and I had visions of my thin and pale arms gaining a greenish tint and muscle mass, shredding the sleeves of my vintage t-shirt. My thoughts progressed to my jeans beginning to hug my runner's legs, seams slowly starting to pop and rip…..and I could have sworn that I felt those ugly ass shoes of mine getting tighter in the toe area….and I could have sworn I heard a lace snap and the worn in leather groaning and protesting. As every second ticked by, my clothing got tighter and tighter….rips formed around my breasts, revealing my overly tightened bra straps…the button fly on my jeans began to pop open…my shoes creaked and groaned and my cute little pink toes revealed themselves…my skin got greener and greener……my red hair turned black……My bra snapped open and ripped apart and I was standing there….nude….and angry…and strong and beautiful and GREEN. I grabbed my desk and slammed it into that preppy bitch's face with all of my gamma enhanced strength and fury!!!!

    At least I thought I did.

    In actually, I was snoring a bit. And the teacher said I was mumbling in my sleep and I drooled a bit. And I was twitching.[/i]

    Now, to piggyback on that….it's just fuels the transformation and rage that much more. I'm such a little clothes/shoes obsessed thing, that if I ruin something…it's gonna piss me off. So…just imagine a pissed off fashionista…and she's growing and growing and growing and then she ruins her favorite haute couture skirt and designer pumps and that just puts OVERBOARD.


    And Magnus…you know the other reason why I like it.  πŸ˜‰

    I've been looking for a way to get your attention.  It's been a long time.  maybe too long. 


    in reply to: Growth Convention in ’07? #38178
    magnus knight

    I just thought I'd respond here with there will be no growth convention in 07, or 08, or 09 probably.  I mean I still want to, even on a small tiny scale, but when you consider an inability to ensure total privacy, money, and well…money, it just is not feasable for now. 

    Those who wanted to go, thanks for the support, but its a definite no go.  However when I go on vacation and some one into growth is in the area I'll be in I'm more then happy to meet and discus the topic, and if you want to travel with me, the more the better. 

    That's all folks,

    in reply to: Re: Why do women like FMG? #47517
    magnus knight

    I'm actually more into clothes ripping aspect of growth.

    I'd have to say I kinda second that one.  Is that bad? or good?  Lets pop that one in a pipe and smoke it for a while.  Do other women here find the clothes ripping aspect of growth some what erotic or not? Doesn't have to be total nudity or anything.  Just a torn shirt or pants with a hole in them could be hot. What says the forum?

    Perhaps I could describe A short little growth below? perhaps if some people wanted me too.

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